I haven’t seen such a territorial bird before, especially this size. Barred Warbler, despite resembling a House Sparrow in size, doesn’t tolerate any other birds within its territory. Most often being small trees or bushes. “My” warbler inhabited quite thick bushes from which it would scare all the intruders. Surprisingly, also couple of Red-backed Shrikes, which most likely had a nest few meters from the bush. Red-backed shrikes have reputation of little predators, so the submission towards a Barred Warbler astonished me. Sitting quietly and keeping distance, warbler was not afraid and “cooperated” perfectly, jumping from branch to branch, changing the setting. I am glad that this bird came by his own gallery on my site, as it has got something incredible in its coloring, behavior and eyes. Like on the pictures initiating the gallery, this starter’s pack turned out to be quite sizable and of what quality…Take a look for yourself.
Last minute news – 07/2015
Finally the second meeting on this bird. I took pictures when I was waiting on the common rosefinch. A young barred warbler sat down for a while, so long moment, that I can able to take some pictures. About that it is a young barred warbler, I founded out letter, after identifying by an expert in this matters. I had problem with identifying of this bird. It’s hard not to have question, because a young bird is so very different them the adults birds.