I had an occasion to watch a Corn Bunting on an open terrains and meadows. It sits on a branch of a bush or dried pigweed from which it observes the area. It is definitely larger than a Sparrow. Its body mass is around 50 grams with a wingspan of around 0.3 meter. I did not manage to spot it many times so the enlargement of the gallery will not be an easy matter. Or maybe, as it sometimes happen with nature photography, I will strike a point in space and time searching for some other species, which will allow me to make a session with a Corn Bunting instead of the bird I searched for. Time will tell, you need to keep on trying.
Last minute news – May 2013
And so the previous commentary turned out to be prophetic. More than a year went by and while I was waiting for the bustards in Spain, on vast meadows, there were rocks on which the Corn Buntings and Calandra Larks were singing their songs. Those few pictures taken enriched the presented gallery. What an outdoor…colorful meadow with a rocky spans, at dawn. And there you have it, couple of pictures which significantly changed previous, documentary gallery. Pictures you want to come back to…
Last minute news 08/2013
Lying down persistently and waiting for the Little Crake, the Spotted Crake, the Water Rail and Plovers, in the late afternoon, after several hours of waiting, I suddenly spotted Corn Buntings, White Wagtails and Western Yellow Wagtails. The majority of them were young. Although I had some other plans, I decided that a better thing to do would be observation and doing close-ups of these species rather than capturing an empty landscape or very distant, even more awaited species. White Wagtails and Western Yellow Wagtails, or, more specifically, their young accepted my camouflage to such an extent that one of them, feeding near the hide, moved to a place right in front of my lenses searching for food. It was literally within arm’s reach. Thus the galleries of Wagtails and Corn Buntings have changed, while I’m still waiting for the Spotted Crake and the Little Crake, which I finally didn’t manage to photograph. Well, at least this time...
Last minute - 04/2014 Turkay
I added a few pictures of the Corn Bunting, whose singing is strikingly beautiful. It was absorbed with singing to the extent that only were photos taken, but also his voice was recorded by Kerema and me. The recording is clear and of high quality. The pictures are set at the end of the gallery that presents any pictures of the Corn Bunting.
Last minute news 05/2016
The gallery has been remodeled. Several occasionally taken photos were the reason to replace a few previous pictures in the gallery.
Last minute news-12/2021
Oh, if it weren't for the sparrowhawk, there would be many better photos. The birds were very shy, taking flight every now and then. But my first pictures of Corn Bunting the winter scenery, and the sparrowhawk in flight, unfortunately against the sky.