Coming across a new species, especially mammal, is always exciting, at least for me. This time I waited for bearded reedlings that were photographic purpose of my trip. I spent a few hours waiting with no results, except something small that rushed somewhere in the area of 1 o’clock in relation to the lens set on a tripod. The creature flashed by so quickly that it was impossible to recognize it or to take a picture, what was more important at the moment. Well, it happens, but on the left side the band of reed bed ended, actually it was divided by pathway to the lake. I thought that having already penetrated the whole cape of reeds, it would like to move to the left side to keep preying. Moreover  there were better lighting conditions either. And so it happened. The Stoat passing between the reeds stopped for a moment and rewarded my patience. It straightened up standing on its hind paws. Oh yes, tiny paws not legs. The Stoat is our smallest predator among mammals . There are large differences in the stoats’ weight, but it can weigh from tens of grams to a little more than 100 grams. Similarly the length of the body, which does not exceed 30 cm. This predator feeds on rodents, birds . Indeed the Stoat looks like a child's toy, a tiny plush toy moving noiselessly across the reed bed. It was a pity that it allowed me to take virtually one photo, but as the picture is of good quality I decided to initiate the gallery of this species, what is more, to expose it in news. After all this is 16th mammal species whereas the number of species of birds reaches almost 200.