Presented squirrels were photographed around Montreal and Ottawa, Canada. They were hungry enough to let people take pictures of them in parks. Commentary for the gray and red squirrel is the same because of treating this gallery more like a curiosity rather than a gallery I would solicit to expand. Gray squirrels are bigger than the red ones. Weight of the gray squirrels can exceed 600 grams, when red ones are 100-300 grams. They were not, however, as familiar as the squirrels in the Warsaw parks, where one of them that didn’t get some delicacies from me, as I was photographing water birds, “pinned” herself to my leg. I do like contact with nature, this one, however, was too close. To photograph those squirrels best equipment turn out to be lighter, shorter lenses, for Canadian the longer ones.
I have already written about the attraction of photographing birds in parks of large cities on my website when I photographed in the Royal Baths Park in Warsaw. I always like to return to this park, especially in autumn. St. James's Park exceeded my wildest expectations. Despite the fact that its area is a field of our Royal Baths Park, or maybe because of that, it was possible to observe dozens of species of birds there. They could be photographed without any camouflage and sometimes from very close range. Grey Herons reduced the distance to a few meters. Unfortunately, there were three limitations on this day. The first was time limited. Unfortunately, my stay in London was very short and I could not devote more than less than 3 hours to photographing birds. The second limitation was the light. At the time I had the pleasure of photographing there was quite harsh, contrasty light and this was not conducive to taking very good photos. The third impediment was the approaching day of the Queen's funeral. Not only was London overcrowded with people, but also the park itself where people were literally rubbing up against each other and there were thousands of them. Probably will have to return there, because as befits a large metropolitan area, London has several parks and who knows what else will be observed and photographed there? For a short stay there, the result is impressive. I've added a new gallery of a bird belonging to the fauna of Poland and it is the White-headed Duck (393/467). This bird has appeared in Poland less than 20 times, so it is a great rarity in our country. A gallery was also created of Ross's Goose. I also added photos to the gallery of the Red-breasted Goose, Egyptian goose and Eastern gray squirrel. Here I am most pleased with the photos of the Red-breasted Goose. Such a beautiful bird, until now had only a few documentary photos taken from a considerable distance. Finally, here there are changes after 8 years, the gallery changes its design and the quality status of the photos. This text is common to all galleries created and changed after a visit to the park in London.