European hare isn’t very sophisticated when it comes to defense strategies. When it sees a danger it comes to a standstill, hoping to go unnoticed. But when it realizes that the distance between him and the predator is too small, it escapes rapidly. And here two stories come to my mind. One time I was trying to find a good place for photographing the common cranes and when I approached them closely, they suddenly shied, astounding me at the same time. Indeed, here on the edge of the field, their camouflage and strategy were understandable. The second story made me cry with laughter. When I was walking through the meadow I spotted an European hare sitting froze in the grass. I was slowly approaching him and taking photos in the meantime. When the distance between us reduced, the hare found it too close and jumped a few meters further, still looking at me. I think that hares have a very poor vision and that one was either too curious or too tamed. Unfortunately, hare population in Poland is getting smaller and there are already regions where the reintroduction of the hare population is being planned. The greatest enemy of hares, but the man is fox for which hares are like a sitting duck.
Last minute news 05/2014
I added a few photos of three hares. It did not mind my presence.
Last minute news-05/2015
While I was waiting for the lesser spotted eagle in the lookout point different guests emerged in front of the lens. One of them was a hare. It appeared suddenly but spent with me over an hour. Cooperation on the part of the hare was excellent. It munched grass then languidly stretched. In a word brought great variety to the existing gallery.
Last minute news 05/2016
While you are sitting and looking out for birds of various kinds, you sometimes see a hare in front of your lens. Again, by chance, some pictures were taken and since they were of better quality than the previous ones, the gallery of the European hare on my website has been remodeled.