It occurs in the Eastern Australia. I managed to take a picture of it in Sydney, but it managed to scare away a withe-browed scrubwren, which had been posing for some time. That's how two galleries were created. Incomplete, regretfully. Actually, the Nobbi Dragon is not big as the length of its body does not exceed 80 centimeters, the tail including. I wish the session lasted longer, as I had good conditions to take many more interesting photos of this beautiful reptile. Upon the arrival from Australia, as it were, on that occasion of photographing birds, my reptile gallery changed to a certain extent and was made much more attractive.

Australia - wykaz j.angielski


A U S T R A L I A – introduction text - A U S T R A L I A N    B U S T A R D
News gallery birds: 
1.Australian bustard.2.Emu.3.Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo.4.White-faced Heron.5.Brolga.6.Green Figbird.7.Zebra Finch.8.Rainbow Lorikeet.9.Pheasant Coucal.10.Australian Pelican.11.Olive-backed Sunbird.12.Yellow Honeyeater.13.Apostlebird.14.Magpie Goose.15.Superb Fairywren. 16.Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.17.Noisy Friarbird.18.Straw-necked Ibis.19.Welcome swallow.20.Black Kite.21.Gala. 22.Plumed Whistling Duck.23.Dollarbird.24.Sacred Kingfisher.25.Masked Lapwing.26.Varied triller.27.Little friarbird. 28.Black-shouldered Kite.29.Laughing Kookaburra.30.Comb-crested jacana.31.Sharp-tailed sandpiper.32.Red-whiskered Bulbul.33.Peaceful Dove. 34.Bush stone curlew.  35.White-throated honeyeater.36.Australian Brushturkey.37.Noisy miner.38.New Holland Honeyeater. 39.Crimson Finch. 40.... White-breasted Woodswallow.41.Australian King Parrot.42.Australian Wood Duck.43.Great Bowerbird.44.Little Pied Cormorant.45.Black-billed Koel.46.Australian Raven.47.Spangled drongo.48.Spiny-cheeked honeyeater.49.Willie Wagtail.50.Wedge-tailed Eagle.51.Common Myna.52.Lewin's Honeyeater.53.Eastern Spinebill.54.Chestnut-breasted Munia.55.Rainbow Bee-eater. 56.Blue-winged Kookaburra.57.Common bronzewing.58.Wandering whistling duck.59.Helmeted Friarbird.60.Crested Pigeon.61.Pied Currawong.62.Brown-backed honeyeater.63.Yellow-faced honeyeater.64.Grey-headed honeyeater.65Yellow-throated miner.66.Scaly-breasted munia.67.Masked Woodswallow.68.Hardhead.69.Pale-headed Rosella.70.Blue-faced Honeyeater.71.Grey Butcherbird.72.Australian magpie.73.Whistling kite.74.Black Swan.75.Royal Spoonbill.76.Double-barred Finch.77.Broad-billed Flycatcher.78.Australian Swamphen.79.Brown Falcon.80.Pied Butcherbird.81.White-browed scrubwren.82.Silvereye.83.Rufous-throated Honeyeater.84.Black-faced Cuckooshrike. 85.Red backed fairywren.86.Pacific black duck. 87.Magpie-lark. 88.Red winged parrot.89.Zitting Cisticola.90Cotton Pygmy Goose.91.Pallid Cuckoo. 92.Australian Kestrel.93.Crimson Rosella.94.Forest Kingfisher.95.Australian coot.96.Red-browed Finch.97.Australian White Ibis.98.Australasian Darter.99.Pied oystercatcher.100.Striated Heron.101.Cattle Egret.102.Great Egret.103.Intermediate Egret.104.Sooty Oystercatche.105.Green pygmy goose.106.Brush Wattlebird.107.White-heded Stilt.
News gallery reptiles:
1.Yellow Spotted Monitor. 2. Eastern blue-tongued lizard. 3.Jewel Rainbow. 4.Sand Monitor. 5.Nobbi Dragon. 6.Saw-shelled turtle.
News gallery mammals:
1. Dingo.... 2. Flying fox. 3. Agile wallaby. 4. Eastern grey kangaroo. 5.Common wallaroo. 6.Whiptail Wallaby.
Go to the gallery: A U S T R A L I A – F A U N A