
Cuba 03/19"- introductory text-Bee Hummingbird
New bird galleries:
1.Bee Hummingbird(T,V). 2.American Flamingo(V). 3.Cuban Pygmy-Owl(T,V). 4.Blue-headed Quail-Dove. 5.Cuban Trogon(T,V). 6.Great Lizard-Cuckoo. 7.Cuban Tody(T,V). 8.Zapata Sparrow(V). 9.Cuban Parrot. 10.Red-legged Thrush(V). 11.Bare-legged Owl. 12.Cuban Parakeet(V). 13.Reddish Egret. 14.Cuban Oriole(V). 15.Zapata Wren(T,V). 16.Fernandina's Flicker(V). 17.Laughing Gull. 18Cuban Green Woodpecker. 19.Cuban Emerald(T,V). 20.Cuban Nightjar(T). 21.Key West Quail-Dove. 22.Blue-winged Teal. 23.West Indian Woodpecker. 24.Common Ground Dove. 25.American Kestrel(V). 26. Palm Warbler. 27.Prairie Warbler. 28.Northern Parula. 29.Black-throated Blue Warbler.30.American Redstart. 31.Ovenbird(V). 32.Cape May Warbler. 33.Greater Antillean Grackle(T,V). 34.Killdeer. 35.Cuban Crow(V). 36.Tawny-shouldered Blackbird(V). 37.White-eyed Vireo. 38.Cuban Pewee. 39.Oriente Warbler. 40.Yellow-headed Warbler. 41.Gray-fronted Quail Dove(V). 42.Shiny Cowbird. 43.Cuban Vireo. 44.Cuban Palm Crow(V). 45Black-whiskered Vireo(V). 46Loggerhead Kingbird. 47.Ring-necked Duck. 48. West Indian Whistling-Duck. 49.Limpkin. 50.American White Pelican. 51.Royal Tern. 52.Common Yellowthroat. 53.Greater Yellowlegs. 54.Lesser Yellowlegs. 55.Cuban Bullfinch. 56.Gray Catbird. 57.Northern Mockingbird. 58.Cuban Black-Hawk(V). 59.Grey Kingbird. 60.Belted Kingfisher. 61.La Sagra's Flycatcher.62.Gundlach's Hawk. 63.Black-and-white Warbler. 64.Anhinga.65.Short-billed Dowitcher. 66.Zenaida Dove.
New reptile galleries:
1. Knight anole.2.Cuban brown curlytail. 3.Green anole.
Changes in bird galleries:
1. Pied-billed Grebe(T). 2.Turkey Vulture(T). 3.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 4.Smooth-billed Ani. 5.Ruddy Turnstone. 6. Eastern Meadowlark. 7. Tricolored Heron. 8. Green Heron. 9. Osprey(T). 10.Purple Gallinule. 11.Black-necked Stilt(V). 12.White-winged Doves(V). 13.Mourning Dove. 14.Northern Waterthrush. 15.White Ibis. 16.Northern Shoveler.17.Sanderling. 18.Willet.19.Grey plover.
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