The name of this bird probably corresponds with the size of it. The lesser woodpecker is a little bird, with a weight of up to 25 g, and a wingspan of 30 cm. For the sake of comparison, the great woodpecker can weigh almost four times as much. From my own observation I can say that it is much scarcer than other woodpeckers, especially the great one. In fact, from a certain distance, it is difficult to differentiate between the great, the middle, and the lesser woodpecker. Only a photograph and classification carried out on its basis give you the chance to identify the particular species unambiguously. The difference in size could be told in fact when you have two species next to each other, which happens very seldom, though. Nevertheless, apart from the tiniest size, only the lesser woodpecker, among these, similar to each other, woodpeckers, has transverse white „stripes” on its black back. Unfortunately it is hard to observe, and the forest’s summer attire makes it even more difficult to notice.
Last minute news 04-2015
Finally, after more than two years, there are more photos of the lesser spotted woodpecker in my gallery. Unluckily, as it happens with woodpeckers, photos were taken when trying to approach the birds without a tripod, "hand-held". The woodpecker was always quite high in the trees, so it was not easy to take good photos with a close-up. The small size of this bird made it more difficult. The changes are large enough for the gallery to be rebuilt, but too small to hit the news.
Last minute news – 06/2015
While I was searching for a bluethroat I managed to take pictures of a lesser spotted woodpecker, and because the photos are more interesting than the previous ones in my modest gallery of the genre – they supplement the exhibition.