
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1 - 10 of 37 available in this categorie    |    Page 1 of 4
Fallow deer

Much smaller than a deer, however living in the similar habitat and having a similar behavior. Follow deer, just like deer, shed their antlers annually in spring, however the re-growth of new even more impressive size antlers takes place before the next mating season. Hollow deer mating season is called ‘bekowisko’ in Polish and it falls on a little bit later than deer mating season (generally in October). ‘Rykowisko’, which means deer rutting season, falls on about the end of September (when the first hoarfrosts occur) and it lasts a couple of weeks.

Fan-tailed Raven
Fan-tailed Widowbird

Finally I managed to photograph several species of weavers while in South Africa. This text is common to all them except the long-tailed widowbird and the grosbeak weaver. Encounters with the two species were so interesting, different from those with the other weavers, it had to be reflected in information in separate texts. These birds could be observed and photographed in such large number, because the number of their species and the abundance of individuals there in South Africa is shocking.

Fasciated Antshrike
Fathala Wildlife Reserve

Animals such as lions, elephants and leopards are no longer found in The Gambia. But how to be in Africa and not be on a safari? Safari i.e. driving in an open off-road vehicle through areas inhabited by wild animals. The Gambia has no such opportunities, but not far from the border in Senegal, a park of 6,000 hectares has been created, of which 2,000 are open to tourists.

Fawn-breasted Brilliant

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador

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Fawn-colored or Abyssinian Lark
Feral pigeons

It’s quite funny that a gallery of this species is created only now, when more than six hundred birds’ galleries are already presented on my website. Feral pigeons are so common in large Polish cities that it does not take much effort and engagement to create some space for this species on tomkalfoto.pl. These few photos introduce a new species on my website, but already equipped with a recording of the sound of tis bird.
Last minute news – 12/2020
After visiting the park in Łazienki, the gallery was supplemented with new photos.

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Fernandina's Flicker
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