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Greyish Saltator

Costa Rica
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Greylag Goose

Most pictures published here were taken when shooting on breeding ponds or on open reservoirs in Malta ZOO in Poznań. Geese did not stay there for long, unfortunately. They were very wary and watchful. Luckily they flew up and while swimming on the pond swung full circle in front of my lens, allowing me to take a few photos. Photos maybe not a top-flight yet, but so far Greylag geese have not had a session like the white-tailed eagle, black stork, or plains wanderer. Greylag geese, that are similar to the grain geese, are considerably larger than those.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Griffon Vulture

It was quite a surprise that it appeared in Poland and I could photograph it. It truly is beautiful and enormous. Unfortunately, on the first day, when I had the chance to take photos, there was a bad light and a dense fog. Luckily, it also appeared at the end of the day, in better lightning conditions. He is indeed huge. Its wingspan reaches up to 2.8 metres and his weight is 7 kilograms. So it is bigger than our biggest predator – White-tailed Eagle. It was interesting to watch those two species.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Bardzo dobre
Grizzled giant squirrel
Groove-billed Ani

Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Grosbeak Weaver

It happened so that in one of several visited hides, or actually from the point to watch birds we could observe how quickly and efficiently grosbeak weaver male built a nest. In this place we spent two days so a few times a day I was coming around to admire a male bustling about to build a nest attached to two sticks of bulrush. Within these two days nearly half of weaver’s “cottage” was ready.

Bardzo dobre
Ground Agama
Groundscraper Thrush

Guillemot is a third species which I managed to perpetuate during one trip (see commentary Atlantic Puffin, Cormorant). Unfortunately, there was not enough time to take larger amount of good pictures. Of course, the reason for the trip was an Atlantic Puffin and I have committed most of my attention to him. Nonetheless, I would like to mention two things about the Guillemot. First is the number of the colony. Great amounts of birds, looking at the islands and their number, can not be even counted in tens of thousands.

