Tyrol angielska
1.Wallcreeper. 2.White-winged Snowfinch. 3. Yellow-billed Chough.
European population of a Wallcreeper is estimated at tens thousands of pairs. Statistically it isn’t uncommon bird. Unfortunately that’s only statistics, because the environment in which Wallcreeper lives, makes him very tough to observe or take some pictures. They live in up to 4000 meters high rock cliffs . They weigh about 20 grams. These little birds live in inaccessible areas, so I could only admire others’ photos. Polish population of Wallcreeper is very small. That’s about 20 pairs, but some sources believe there are less than 10 .That’s why my first contact with it was postponed. Until when Jacek called me with an information that it is possible to regularly observe Wallcreeper in Tirol on a stone tower. The information was very surprising, but the possibility of photographing it was priceless. Pictures, which i present in my gallery were taken thanks to kindness of local people, who shared the information, observed the behaviour of this bird and confirmed high possibility of photographing it. Greetings for Josef, Ula, Gertruda, Henryk and Jacek - the organizer of the whole trip. But for the recognition of Wallcreeper we could drive 1500 km for no reason. We were very excited when we got to our destination and stated next to the tower. There were so much nose of a tiny town, so we couldn’t believe that Wallcreeper could come here. We didn’t have to wait long. About 12 o’clock the Wallcreeper appeared and preyed for 4 hours. Unfortunately it was a little bit too high for us all the time, but the joy of this situation was still huge. He moved quickly on the vertical wall, jumping for an insect every now and then. These 4 hours were enough to take my first photos of it. It let me create a new gallery of this incredible bird. Finally!
1.Wallcreeper. 2.White-winged Snowfinch. 3. Yellow-billed Chough.