The story of the pied-billed grebe is similar to the story of the white-tufted grebe. Just a few documentary pictures initiate a gallery of this bird, and it is probably going to be like this for long. The bird occurs in both Americas. Its weight is 250-520 grams, and its wingspan is about 60 cm.
Last minute news – 03/2019 - Cuba
I hoped to find this bird in Cuba. We were looking for it in many places, but the hints we came across on the Internet while arranging for the trip were not confirmed by the Cuban reality. On the last day on the fairly large lake we were lucky to observe three pied-billed grebes. The birds, unfortunately, kept a fairly considerable distance and we could not spend as much time on watching them as we devoted to bee hummingbirds. Nevertheless, the two previous documentary photos taken in Argentina fade into oblivion and the gallery gained, though not very good, but yet not documentary pictures of the pied-billed grebe. The species is so important because it belongs to the fauna of Poland, despite the fact that it was only once found in our country - in 2000. So there is no hope for another contact with this species in Poland and I had to take pictures in Cuba.

Argentyna wykaz gatunków - jezyk angielski


ARGENTINA - Toco toucan- introductory text
List of newly gallery birds:
1.Toco Toucan 2.Imperial Shag 3.Crested Caracara. 4.Blue Manakin.5.Black-Throated Mango. 6.Upland Goose.7.Patagonian Sierra-Finch. 8.Southern Lapwing. 9.Austral thrush.10.Field Flicker. 11.White-Throated Caracara. 12.Red-Crested Cardinal.13.Rock Cormorant. 14.Dolphin Gull. 15. Violaceous Euphonia.16.Chestnut-Bellied Euphonia.17.Thorn-Tailed Rayadito.18.Rufous-collared Sparrow.19.South American Tern.20.Black Vulture.21.Chestnut-eared Aracari. 22.Swallow-tailed hummingbird. 23.Chimango Caracara.24.Surucua Trogon.25.Violet-Capped Woodnymph. 26.Great kiskadee 27.Tufted tit-tyrant. 28.Hooded Siskin. 29.Wattled Jacana. 30.Ochre-Collared Piculet. 31.Green-Barred Woodpecker. 32.Magellanic Woodpecker. 33.Blond-Crested Woodpecker.34.Picazuro Pigeon. 35.Guira Cuckoo.36.Bare-Faced Ibis. 37.Black-faced-ibis. 38.Chilean Swallow. 39. Yellow-billed cardinal.40.Black-Hooded Parakeet. 41.Tropical Parula.42.Kelp Goose. 43.Black Jacobin.44.Chalk-Browed Mockingbird.45.House Wren.46.Gilded Hummingbird.47.Versicoloured Emerald. 48.Dark-Bellied Cinclodes. 49.Golden-Billed Saltator. 50.Crested duck.51.Black-and-rufous warbling-finch. 52.Rufous-Bellied Thrush.53.Black-Banded Woodcreeper.54.Lineated Woodpecker. 55.Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker. 56.Rufous Hornero. 57.Plain-Breasted Ground-Dove.58.Black-Necked Swan. 59.Ruddy-Heded Goose. 60.Least Grebe. 61.Scaly-headed parrot. 62.Magpie Tanager. 63.White-winged parakeet. 64.Baywing. 65.Saffron Finch. 66.Eared Pygmy-Tyrant. 67.South American Snipe. 68.Ringed Teal. 69.Chequered woodpecker.70.Yellow-bellied elaenia.71.Plumbeous Kite. 72.Red-Crested Finch. 73.Roadside hawk. 74.Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird.75Turkey Vulture. 76. Austral Blackbird.77.Sayaca Tanager.78.Bananaquit.79.Swallow-tailed kite.80.Straight-billed hermit. 81.Andean Condor. 82.White-eyed Parakeet. 83.Pied-billed Grebe. 84.Austral Pigmy-Owl.85.Double-Collared Seedeater. 86.Blackish Oystercatcher. 87. Austral negrito.88.Ruddy ground dove. 89.Speckled Teal.90.Grey-rumped Swift. 91.Fuegian steamer duck.92.Chilean Skua. 93.Greenish Elaenia. 94.Black-baked gull.95.Common Gallinule.
List of mammals newly gallery: 1.South American coati. 2.South American sea lion. 3.Brazilian guinea pig.
List of reptiles newly gallery:  Argentine gigant tegu.
Changes in the galleries birds: 1.Monk parakeet. 2.Sand martin.
Changes in the galleries insect: 1.Butterflies. 2. Other insects.
Go to the gallery: A R G E N T I N A   F A U N A



Cuba 03/19"- introductory text-Bee Hummingbird
New bird galleries:
1.Bee Hummingbird(T,V). 2.American Flamingo(V). 3.Cuban Pygmy-Owl(T,V). 4.Blue-headed Quail-Dove. 5.Cuban Trogon(T,V). 6.Great Lizard-Cuckoo. 7.Cuban Tody(T,V). 8.Zapata Sparrow(V). 9.Cuban Parrot. 10.Red-legged Thrush(V). 11.Bare-legged Owl. 12.Cuban Parakeet(V). 13.Reddish Egret. 14.Cuban Oriole(V). 15.Zapata Wren(T,V). 16.Fernandina's Flicker(V). 17.Laughing Gull. 18Cuban Green Woodpecker. 19.Cuban Emerald(T,V). 20.Cuban Nightjar(T). 21.Key West Quail-Dove. 22.Blue-winged Teal. 23.West Indian Woodpecker. 24.Common Ground Dove. 25.American Kestrel(V). 26. Palm Warbler. 27.Prairie Warbler. 28.Northern Parula. 29.Black-throated Blue Warbler.30.American Redstart. 31.Ovenbird(V). 32.Cape May Warbler. 33.Greater Antillean Grackle(T,V). 34.Killdeer. 35.Cuban Crow(V). 36.Tawny-shouldered Blackbird(V). 37.White-eyed Vireo. 38.Cuban Pewee. 39.Oriente Warbler. 40.Yellow-headed Warbler. 41.Gray-fronted Quail Dove(V). 42.Shiny Cowbird. 43.Cuban Vireo. 44.Cuban Palm Crow(V). 45Black-whiskered Vireo(V). 46Loggerhead Kingbird. 47.Ring-necked Duck. 48. West Indian Whistling-Duck. 49.Limpkin. 50.American White Pelican. 51.Royal Tern. 52.Common Yellowthroat. 53.Greater Yellowlegs. 54.Lesser Yellowlegs. 55.Cuban Bullfinch. 56.Gray Catbird. 57.Northern Mockingbird. 58.Cuban Black-Hawk(V). 59.Grey Kingbird. 60.Belted Kingfisher. 61.La Sagra's Flycatcher.62.Gundlach's Hawk. 63.Black-and-white Warbler. 64.Anhinga.65.Short-billed Dowitcher. 66.Zenaida Dove.
New reptile galleries:
1. Knight anole.2.Cuban brown curlytail. 3.Green anole.
Changes in bird galleries:
1. Pied-billed Grebe(T). 2.Turkey Vulture(T). 3.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 4.Smooth-billed Ani. 5.Ruddy Turnstone. 6. Eastern Meadowlark. 7. Tricolored Heron. 8. Green Heron. 9. Osprey(T). 10.Purple Gallinule. 11.Black-necked Stilt(V). 12.White-winged Doves(V). 13.Mourning Dove. 14.Northern Waterthrush. 15.White Ibis. 16.Northern Shoveler.17.Sanderling. 18.Willet.19.Grey plover.
Go to the gallery :
Cuba FAUNA Cuba FLORA Cuba -Havana Cars from Cubanos Santa Clara Havana-Fusterlandia Cuba-Slide show