Presented squirrels were photographed around Montreal and Ottawa, Canada. They were hungry enough to let people take pictures of them in parks. Commentary for the gray and red squirrel is the same because of treating this gallery more like a curiosity rather than a gallery I would solicit to expand. Gray squirrels are bigger than the red ones. Weight of the gray squirrels can exceed 600 grams, when red ones are 100-300 grams. They were not, however, as familiar as the squirrels in the Warsaw parks, where one of them that didn’t get some delicacies from me, as I was photographing water birds, “pinned” herself to my leg. I do like contact with nature, this one, however, was too close. To photograph those squirrels best equipment turn out to be lighter, shorter lenses, for Canadian the longer ones.
Last mimnute news-Canada – 02/2020