This type of woodpecker only occurs in Northern America. There, according to my observations, is maybe the most popular species. I photographed it in bird feeding spots, during winter and it was almost always present at the places I have visited. For a woodpecker it is the smallest one in Northern America. Its body weight is 20-30 grams with a wingspan reaching up to 30 centimeters (sparrow!). Photographing woodpeckers in Poland, even during the winter, there is no species who would accept such a close contact, not to mention the numerous occurrence in human habitats or near city limits. Most common is the Great Spotted Woodpecker (80 grams, wingspan 40 centimeters), but the distance of 10 meters is unattainable without masking. It happened that photographed Downy Woodpeckers would flew closer, for a couple of meters, unfortunately, it took too much time to turn the lense, sharpen and take a photo (sudden moves shy away birds). Whereas, during the seed picking they were there long enough, absorbed with feeding that it allowed me to take pictures from a few (6-8) meters distance. Did hunger or a smaller fear of human cause such behavior?
Last mimnute news-Canada – 02/2020