Well, I did not plan to take so poor, documentary photos of this bird. Condors occur throughout the western part of South America. They are really big, because have a wingspan of more than 3 meters, and the weight of their bodies can reach up to 15 kilograms. Regrettably, even with attached 600mm lens and 2X converter I failed. The bird was soaring too high. However, I have created the gallery of the Andean condor, because it is highly unlikely to encounter these wild birds. After all, it occurs only in South America...
Last minute news-9/2023-Ecuador
It took eight years to improve the documentary photograph that so far makes up the gallery of this extraordinary bird, the Andean Condor. The size, the behaviour of this bird is awe-inspiring, especially for the Ecuadorians who have made it their national bird. For this reason, I wanted to add a cover text to this very gallery. Unfortunately, despite a great effort, there was a bit of luck to bring back a large portfolio of photos of this bird from Ecuador. The effort, for me, was extreme this time. The place where a gliding bird encounter was likely was located 3,600 metres above sea level. Without several days of acclimatisation, any activity at this altitude is a major effort. On this day, we got up at 3.30am, foregoing breakfast at the hotel because it was less than a 1.5-hour drive from there to the steep cliffs of the gorge. We continued a few hundred metres on foot to the steep cliff. On this day, a strong wind was blowing and it was 5 degrees warm. Above the cliff itself it was difficult to stand from the cold despite protective clothing. It was best to dress for a winter hike there, because until the sun warmed us up after an hour, we were shivering so much that it would have been difficult to take photos from the cold and the physical limitations we faced due to the cold, wind and oxygen deficiency at these heights. As it turned out later, this was not the highest altitude we went to photograph the birds there during the trip to Ecuador. Fortunately, the birds arrived a little later. Unfortunately, only for a moment, when, warmed by the morning sun, we were lying in the hollows of the hill and could already take the pictures presented in the gallery. We waited for them for a couple of hours, unfortunately there were not many situations for taking good photos and the birds always kept quite far away, eventually disappearing from our sight. The Andean Condor was on my list prepared before the trip to Ecuador, but the progression in the gallery, although significant, is far from the photos I planned to take to present this uncommon species. Its size and behaviour makes it unique. Although like vultures, condors largely feed on carrion, it is different in that vultures seek it out. Vultures lacking the sense of smell, rely on their eyesight. Condors, like procellariiformes at sea, glide through the air to sense nano-particles of decaying animals. Staggering in circles, they sense an ever-increasing accumulation of scent until they finally reach the remains of the animals for a meal. Another documentary gallery changes its content, but let's hope this was not the last encounter with this beautiful, majestic bird. Who knows if it will take 8 years to improve this gallery again?

Argentyna wykaz gatunków - jezyk angielski


ARGENTINA - Toco toucan- introductory text
List of newly gallery birds:

1.Toco Toucan 2.Imperial Shag 3.Crested Caracara. 4.Blue Manakin.5.Black-Throated Mango. 6.Upland Goose.7.Patagonian Sierra-Finch. 8.Southern Lapwing. 9.Austral thrush.10.Field Flicker. 11.White-Throated Caracara. 12.Red-Crested Cardinal.13.Rock Cormorant. 14.Dolphin Gull. 15. Violaceous Euphonia.16.Chestnut-Bellied Euphonia.17.Thorn-Tailed Rayadito.18.Rufous-collared Sparrow.19.South American Tern.20.Black Vulture.21.Chestnut-eared Aracari. 22.Swallow-tailed hummingbird. 23.Chimango Caracara.24.Surucua Trogon.25.Violet-Capped Woodnymph. 26.Great kiskadee 27.Tufted tit-tyrant. 28.Hooded Siskin. 29.Wattled Jacana. 30.Ochre-Collared Piculet. 31.Green-Barred Woodpecker. 32.Magellanic Woodpecker. 33.Blond-Crested Woodpecker.34.Picazuro Pigeon. 35.Guira Cuckoo.36.Bare-Faced Ibis. 37.Black-faced-ibis. 38.Chilean Swallow. 39. Yellow-billed cardinal.40.Black-Hooded Parakeet. 41.Tropical Parula.42.Kelp Goose. 43.Black Jacobin.44.Chalk-Browed Mockingbird.45.House Wren.46.Gilded Hummingbird.47.Versicoloured Emerald. 48.Dark-Bellied Cinclodes. 49.Golden-Billed Saltator. 50.Crested duck.51.Black-and-rufous warbling-finch. 52.Rufous-Bellied Thrush.53.Black-Banded Woodcreeper.54.Lineated Woodpecker. 55.Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker. 56.Rufous Hornero. 57.Plain-Breasted Ground-Dove.58.Black-Necked Swan. 59.Ruddy-Heded Goose. 60.Least Grebe. 61.Scaly-headed parrot. 62.Magpie Tanager. 63.White-winged parakeet. 64.Baywing. 65.Saffron Finch. 66.Eared Pygmy-Tyrant. 67.South American Snipe. 68.Ringed Teal. 69.Chequered woodpecker.70.Yellow-bellied elaenia.71.Plumbeous Kite. 72.Red-Crested Finch. 73.Roadside hawk. 74.Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird.75Turkey Vulture. 76. Austral Blackbird.77.Sayaca Tanager.78.Bananaquit.79.Swallow-tailed kite.80.Straight-billed hermit. 81.Andean Condor. 82.White-eyed Parakeet. 83.Pied-billed Grebe. 84.Austral Pigmy-Owl.85.Double-Collared Seedeater. 86.Blackish Oystercatcher. 87. Austral negrito.88.Ruddy ground dove. 89.Speckled Teal.90.Grey-rumped Swift. 91.Fuegian steamer duck.92.Chilean Skua. 93.Greenish Elaenia. 94.Black-baked gull.95.Common Gallinule.
List of mammals newly gallery: 1.South American coati. 2.South American sea lion. 3.Brazilian guinea pig.
List of reptiles newly gallery:  Argentine gigant tegu.
Changes in the galleries birds: 1.Monk parakeet. 2.Sand martin.
Changes in the galleries insect: 1.Butterflies. 2. Other insects.
Go to the gallery: A R G E N T I N A   F A U N A

Ekwador wykaz angielski


Ecuador 09/2023-introductory text- Andean Cock-of-the-rock
News galery:

1.Andean Cock-of-the-rock(T,V). 2.Toucan Barbet. 3.Long-wattled Umbrellabird. 4.Masked Trogon. 5.Rufous-breasted Antthrush. 6.Torrent Duck. 7.Orange-cheeked Parrot. 8.Hoatzin(V).  9.Sunbittern(T). 10.Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan(V). 11.Glistening-green Tanager. 12.White-capped Dipper. 13.Red-bellied Macaw. 14.Cobalt-winged Parakeet(V). 15.Black Skimmer. 16.Golden-rumped Euphonia. 17. Crimson-rumped Toucanet. 18.Golden Tanager. 19.Golden-bellied Grosbeak. 20.Sparkling Violetear(T).21.Collared Inca(T). 22.Tyrian Metaltail(T). 23.Pink-throated Brilliant(T). 24.Sapphire-vented Puffleg(T). 25.Purple-throated Woodstar(T). 26.Mountain Velvetbreast(T). 27.Buff-winged Starfrontlet(T). 28.Andean Emerald(T). 29.Booted Racket-tail(T). 30.Brown Violetear(T). 31.White-whiskered Hermit(T). 32.Violet-tailed Sylph(T). 33.Purple-bibbed Whitetip 34.Fawn-breasted Brilliant(T). 35.Buff-tailed Coronet(T). 36.Brown Inca(T). 37.Velvet-purple Coronet(T). 38.Gorgeted Sunangel(T). 39.Tawny-bellied Hermit(T). 40.White-tailed Hillstar(T). 41.Speckled Hummingbird(T). 42.Empress Brilliant(T). 43.Ecuadorian Hillstar(TT). 44.Green-crowned Woodnymph(T). 45.Shining Sunbeam(T). 46.Black-tailed Trainbearer(T). 47.Rainbow-bearded Thornbill(T). 48.Violet-fronted Brilliant(T). 49.Sword-billed Hummingbird(T). 50.Bronzy Inca(T). 51.Blue-mantled Thornbill(T). 52.Gorgeted Woodstar(T). 53.Wire-crested Thorntail(T). 54.Chestnut-breasted Coronet(T). 55.Tourmaline Sunangel(T). 56.Giant Hummingbird(TT). 57.White-bellied Woodstar(T). 58.Golden-tailed Sapphire. 59.Black-crowned Tityra. 60.Yellow-breasted Antpitta(T). 61.Giant Antpitta. 62.Moustached Antpitta. 63.Ochre-breasted Antpitta. 64.Chestnut-crowned Antpitta. 65.Rufous antpitta. 66.White-lored Antpitta(V). 67.Plain-backed Antpitta. 68.Chestnut-fronted Macaw. 69.Yellow-rumped Cacique. 70. White-throated Screech-Owl. 71.Great Horned Owl. 72.Band-bellied Owl. 73.Vermiculated Screech-Owl. 74.Tawny-bellied screech owl. 75.Black-crested Warbler. 76.Little Woodpecker. 77.Ladder-tailed Nightjar. 78.Lettered Aracari. 79.Montane Woodcreeper. 80.Sungrebe. 81.Black-capped Donacobius. 82.Rufescent Tiger-Heron. 83.Black-mandibled Toucan. 84.Golden-collared Toucanet. 85.Red-crested Cotinga. 86.Andean Lapwing. 87.Carunculated Caracara. 88.Laughing Falcon. 89.Rufous-throated Tanager. 90.Black-billed Treehunter. 91.Ecuadorian Thrush. 92.Beryl-spangled Tanager. 93.Streak-capped Treehunter. 94.Equatorial Motmot (Andean Motmot). 95.Thick-billed Euphonia. 96.Flame-faced Tanager. 97.Golden-headed Quetzal(V). 98.Barred Fruiteater. 99.Eared Dove. 100.Great Thrush.101.Baudo Guan. 102.Rufous-naped Brush-Finch. 103.Masked Flowerpiercer. 104.White-sided Flowerpiercer. 105.Blue-capped Tanager. 106.Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager. 107.Blue-winged Mountain-tanager. 108.Flame-rumped Tanager. 109.Golden-naped Tanager. 110.Bronze-green Euphonia. 111.Black-capped Tanager. 112.Dusky bush tanager. 113. Orange-bellied Euphonia. 114.Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager. 115.Palm Tanager. 116.Blue-necked Tanager.117.Yellow-billed Cacique. 118.Russet-backed Oropendola(G). 119.White-throated Quail-Dove. 120.White-lined Tanager. 121.Yellow-olive Flycatcher. 122.Golden-crowned Flycatcher. 123.Three-striped Warbler. 124.Ornate Flycatcher. 125.Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner. 126.Tawny-breasted Flycatcher. 127.Wedge-billed Woodcreeper. 128.Orange-breasted Fruiteater. 129.Olive-crowned Yellowthroat. 130.Golden-collared Honeycreeper. 131.Moss-backed Tanager. 132.Black-striped Sparrow. 133.Yellow-billed Pintail. 134.Andean Teal. 135.Many-striped Canastero. 136.Chestnut-winged Cinclodes. 137.Azara's Spinetail. 138.Glossy-black Thrush. 139.Plumbeous Sierra-Finch. 140.Tricolored Brush-Finch. 141.Western Fire-eye . 142.Plumbeous Pigeon. 143.Black-banded Crake. 144.Turquoise Jay. 145.Blue-rumped Manakin. 146.Blue-headed Parrot (V). 147.Crested Oropendola. 148.Bar-bellied Woodpecker. 149.Gilded barbet. 150.Deep-blue flowerpiercer. 151.Yellow-tufted Woodpecker. 152.Black-faced Antbird. 153.Speckled Chachalaca. 154.Black-and-white Seedeater. 155.Greater Ani(V). 156.Cynoberek. 157.Ringed Kingfisher. 158.Red-capped Cardinal. 159.Lesser Kiskadee. 160.Grey-breasted Crake(V). 161.Scarlet-crowned Barbet. 162.Vermilion Flycatcher. 163.Cinereous Conebill. 164.Blue-and-yellow Tanager. 165.White-winged Brush-Finch. 166.Cocoi Heron. 167.White-banded Swallow. 168.Giant Cowbird. 169.Drab Water-Tyrant. 170.Buff-breasted Sandpiper. 171.Large-billed Tern. 172.Black Caracara. 173.White-eared Jacamar. 174.Pale-vented Pigeon. 175.Southern Mealy Parrot. 176.Dusky-headed Parakeet. 177.Cliff flycatcher(V). 178.Yellow-browed Sparrow. 179.Black-headed Parrot. 180.Baird's sandpiper.181.Swallow-wing.182.Western Emerald. 
1.Central American agouti. 2.White-tailed deer. 3.Proboscis bat. 4.White-tailed titi monkey(V).
Changes in the galery BIRDS:
1.Andean Condor(T). 2.Scarlet Macaw. 3.Black Vulture. 4.White-necked Jacobin (T). 5.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (T). 6.Broad-billed Motmot. 7.Inca Jay. 8.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 9.Spotted Sandpiper. 10.Slate-throated Redstart. 11.Chestnut capped Brush Finch. 12.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 13.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 14.Green Thorntail. 15.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 16.Northern Potoo. 17.Tropical Parula. 18.Squirrel Cuckoo. 19.Collared Aracari. 20.Saffron Finch. 21.Black-faced Ibis. 22.Bananaquit. 23.Black Phoebe. 24.Swallow-tailed Kite. 25.Green Hermit. 26.Smooth-billed Ani. 27.Common tody-flycatcher. 28.Roadside Hawk. 29.Striated Heron. 30.Wattled Jacana. 31.Limpkin. 32.Blue-and-white Swallow. 33.Snail Kite. 34.Green Ibis. 35.Lineated Woodpecker. 36.Purple Gallinule. 37.Southern lapwing. 38.Cattle Egret. 39.Tropical Mockingbird. 40.Great Egret. 41.Tropical Kingbird. 42.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. 43.Rufous-collared Sparrow.


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