
Alphabetical list

Galeries 851 - 860 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 86 of 258
European hare

European hare isn’t very sophisticated when it comes to defense strategies. When it sees a danger it comes to a standstill, hoping to go unnoticed. But when it realizes that the distance between him and the predator is too small, it escapes rapidly. And here two stories come to my mind. One time I was trying to find a good place for photographing the common cranes and when I approached them closely, they suddenly shied, astounding me at the same time. Indeed, here on the edge of the field, their camouflage and strategy were understandable.

Bardzo dobre
European Herring Gull

It is likely the most numerous species among large gulls in Poland. Its weight can come up to 1.5 kilograms with a wingspan reaching 1.5 meters. As Black-headed Gull, because of her habits and larger size, it is a very grateful object to photograph. On one hand it allows to approach it relatively close, therefore we do not need long telephoto lenses, also, of course, because of her size. Moreover, it appears at an open spaces, so generally we will have enough light to take a quaint photo with a short shutter.
Last minute news – 08/2015

Bardzo dobre
European Honey Buzzard

Presented pictures of an European Honey Buzzard have a documentary value. They were taken on my way back from photographing the badger juveniles, when I saw a flying bird while driving a car. Story is almost the same like with pictures of an osprey. However, the bird’s picture was clear enough so I decided to start a gallery. Who knows, I might be lucky enough and I will manage to photograph it on the right background, when he is attacked by insects defending themselves from being eaten. Pictures with an offsetting blue sky is probably the worst possible option.

European ivy
European mantis
Insect / Crustacean
European mistletoe
European nightjar

I could not expect to photograph this bird in Turkey. On the first day when I arrived, and after only two hours of sleep I had to get up at night to go to the lookouts. Along the road, actually on the road we passed three nightjars. We had a small delay and there was no time to stop to take my first photos of the nightjar. Yes, there on this sandy-stony road we passed nightjars that did not really evade. The driver drove very carefully as he did not want to knock down the birds. I decided to get up half an hour earlier the next day and try to take pictures.

European oak
European Pied Flycatcher

European Pied Flycatcher is a species very hard to come by for three reasons. First being relatively small size, as it weighs over a dozen or so grams with a wingspan no longer than 25 centimeters. Second difficulty is its small number. Thirdly, it belongs to clandestine and timid species. Nevertheless, it happened to me once that, for a couple of minutes, it let me observe it and take several pictures. I hope they are not the last.
Last minute news 04/2015-Malta

Bardzo dobre
European pond turtle

Last minute news-05/2022-Hungary

Bardzo dobre
