
Alphabetical list

Galeries 841 - 850 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 85 of 258
European bison

Finally, the biggest Polish mammal goes to my photo gallery. The European bison’s weight may exceed 900 kg. This one you can see on my website I encountered accidentally in the area of Białowieża. It was grazing peacefully nearby buildings. Our presence did not bother it at all until the distance between us was less than 10 meters. From this perspective, it can be clearly seen what a powerful animal this is. Only when it raised its head, did we know for sure that we need to increase the distance and withdraw.

European black alder
European box
European buckthorn
European elderberry
European golden plover

During my stay in Iceland I had the pleasure to photograph the European golden plover several times. Sometimes I started looking for this bird when I heard the doleful, single plover’s call. However the sound informed that the bird is out there somewhere, but finding it was not so easy. When I moved in the direction of the voice very slowly, the plover did not take its wings off  suddenly, as do pheasants to disappear in the distance, but began to walk away slowly, to increase the distance to be safe enough for it.

Bardzo dobre
European Goldfinch

How beautiful and colorful bird a European Goldfinch is. Despite its occurance in Poland during a year, it is difficult to admire, because of the fact that it is too timid and dynamic. When in herds, European Goldfinches immediately start to fly, just to sit nearby in a moment. Unfortunately, the charm and colors of this bird can be admired only from a close distance, because of its size. It is a little bit smaller than a sparrow. It weighs a dozen grams, with a wingspan around 20 cm.
Last minute - 09/2013

European green toad
European Greenfinch

If, observing the fields and seeing „squadrons” of passerine birds, you can’t notice any bright „goldfinch-like” accents, it is very likely that you see European greenfinches. I observed them on a field with ripe rapeseed. From a greater distance they can be easily mistaken for sparrows as in size both species are nearly identical, at close range however you can see their olive charm. Greenfinches weigh about 30 g, with a wingspan of less than 30 centimeters.

Bardzo dobre
European ground squirrel

It inhabits the areas south of Poland in the central and eastern Europe. Its natural habitat actually stretches to Istanbul. I managed to photograph this tiny mammal on a small hill, several dozen kilometres away from Istanbul. Of course, when I encroached upon their area, they fled in the instance. After remaining still for a quarter of an hour, they came again. The squirrels saw me, but they did not hide and were observing me, resuming eating. At the moment of danger, they disappear immediately  into their earth holes, which are in plenty in that place.

