
Alphabetical list

Galeries 831 - 840 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 84 of 258
Eurasian Teal

Courtesy of breeding ponds owner (Mr Karol, greetings and thank you) I have managed to take first pictures of Eurasian Teal. And not only Eurasian Teal, also of Green Sandpiper, Kingfisher, Goshawk, Common Pochard, Tufted Duck and who knows what else you are able to photograph in such a charming, beautiful place like this. Lowered mirror of the water caused a feeding of other birds also, Crane among them. It is a shame that photographed male didn’t have any company, gallery would be more interesting then. Oh well, you have to start somewhere.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrows are very much alike House Sparrows, often mistaken for them. Despite that, an Eurasian Tree Sparrow is slightly smaller than a House Sparrow, he can be distinguished by black spot situated under the eye, on a white cheek. Feathers on an Eurasian Tree Sparrow's head are brown, whereas they are grey on a House Sparrow. His body mass is slightly above 20 grams, and wingspan is 20 centimeters. It took a while photographing House and Eurasian Tree Sparrows before I have noticed those differences.

Bardzo dobre
Eurasian Treecreeper

Personally, distincting an Eurasian Treecreeper from a Short-toed Treecreeper is a challenge for me. That is why the description of both of them is of the same contents. According to literature an Eurasian Treecreeper most commonly appears in Europe and Asia, while a Short-toed Treecreeper, more thermophilic, inhabits Europe, specifically its Mid and Southern part. Fundamentally, they differ by the length of the rear claw and it would be best if they simply sat beside each other to make the task that much easier.

Eurasian Wigeon

These pictures were taken in Jastarnia in Juna 2014. Unfortunately, the group of female Wigeons was rather apprehensive and didn’t let me approach them more closely, not nearer than 100 metres. I took several documentary pictures that initiate the gallery of this species on my website. The Wigeon weigh up to one kilogram and their wingspan is up to 80 cm.
Last minute news 06/2014 – Iceland

Eurasian wolf

I have waited for several years for the opportunity to photograph wolves. It is not an easy species to photograph, mainly due to its nocturnal lifestyle. Foresters have a saying that if you have seen a wolf, it has seen you 7 times already. The situation is similar with bears, but the difference is that their size, the potential risk from their side is much bigger. Sometimes wolves appeared in a group of several specimens at one time. We happened to see some wolf quarrels, or bear and wolf quarrels in front of our lenses.

Bardzo dobre
Eurasian Wryneck

I don’t know how many more galleries will be formed before I expand the European Green Woodpecker’s gallery, but I’m sure the Eurasian Wryneck’s gallery was formed in its anticipation. I know for sure where they occur and numerous times I have waited for them from an early morning hours. This time a beautifully colored European Green Woodpecker couple briefly appeared.

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European ash
European badger

When it comes to this species our adage needs to be changed, not three is a charm, but four. Badger is a mysterious animal and rare enough that you want to have a gallery of this beautiful mammal. But, how to do it as it’s a night animal by nature? Photographs made with lamp, at least to my conviction, are out of the question. Within two years there were four attempts to take satisfying pictures. In the place I knew to be a badger’s burrow, of course. Here I must thank Andrzej for the hints without which these pictures would not be.

Bardzo dobre
European Bee-eater

Another gallery which was created during the workshops in Spain as a break from photographing  from the Bustards' watching booth. Gallery was created though I feel deficiency in presented pictures. Once you know where the Bee-eaters' colony is , I assure you, taking pictures is just a matter of time and the final effect depends on the positions of the booth and sticks on which the birds sit, light and of course reflexes. First attempt was utterly missed. Position of the booth and sticks and the mean farmer nearby wrecked every chance to take any pictures. Why mean?

European beech
