
Alphabetical list

Galeries 791 - 800 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 80 of 258
Elegant Grasshopper
Insect / Crustacean
Bardzo dobre
Eleonora's Falcon

The last of the falcons included in the fauna of Poland is finally making its way into my gallery, and not just with documentary photos of its contents. Eleonora's Falcons may not be a very rare species, but they are found on rocky cliffs, so it is difficult to get good photos that require to reduce distance to the birds. They occur during the breeding season almost all over the Mediterranean. I managed to observe and photograph them in Italy. The falcons nesting site is truly breathtaking.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Emerald Dove

Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka

Emerald Toucanet

As in case of hummingbirds, the text linked to toucans describing those taken on the trip to Costa Rica will be common for them all. Also with this group of birds fate turned out to be favorable in terms of pictures as I was able to photograph 4 of 7 species of toucans that occur there in Costa Rica. As usual the result was at different level of success. It happened twice that collared aracari and black-mandibled toucan approached so close to the place where food was laid that to adjust them in the frame in the whole I had to back a few meters away.

Bardzo dobre
Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove

South Africa-02/2017
Last minute-11/12-2022-Botswana

Empress Brilliant

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador


We were driving through the bush at a temperature above 30°C, a few hundred kilometers from Tonsville, suddenly two large figures appeared on the right side of the car. Theese were two huge birds - emus. We stopped the car, and emu, like bustards, initially watched calmly, then began to move away slowly. I was never afraid of birds, but this time following them I doubted for a moment. When I approached the emus suddenly one of them stopped and I wondered if  our places would be exchanged. Maybe their young were somewhere around and caring father would not like me.

Equatorial Antpitta

My output from this family of birds so far is two species, photographed in Thailand and Srilanka (chickadees). So not much. In Ecuador, I managed to photograph 8 species (antpittas)! They are difficult to photograph and without the help of local guides it would have been impossible. The guides had to spend a lot of time beforehand to make them an attraction for observers, photographers. They live naturally on the bottom of a tropical moist forest. They are small, secretive and difficult to see, let alone photograph.

Bardzo dobre
Equatorial Motmot
Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
