
Alphabetical list

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Great grey owl

Over the years, I have admired the great grey owl several times in the Poznan ZOO. An amazing, mighty owl with incredible eyes and look. They have unbelievable hearing so that they can hear rodents scampering under the snow, carry out a noiseless swoop, and catch a mouse from under the snow cover, not seeing it. All these photographs, videos and information will not substitute for one’s own observation, and satisfaction from having one’s own pictures of this beautiful bird. In Poland it is very difficult, as the entire population is said to number several pairs.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Great grey shrike

It is relatively small, almost like a snow-white plush toy, similar to a Long-tailed Tit. But nothing could be further from the truth, it is the killer like no other. Great grey shrike can kill animals larger than itself. It feeds on birds, lizards and insects. It can hang in the air and watch the countryside in order to search for prey. Excess food is not wasted. Great grey shrike skewers its victims or their body parts on the sharp spikes and returns to them when it feels hungry.

Great Horned Owl
Great kiskadee

In the vicinity of Iguazu the great kiskadee occured quite commonly, but I always could see them a long way off, keeping a distance. Once, while I was walking on the lawns of the hotel at sunrise, a great kiskadee came really close. I was alone and behaving calmly so the bird was more curious than scared. It was early in the morning so while waiting for the light I hung the camera on my arm and tried to record sounds.

Bardzo dobre
Great Knot
Great Lizard-Cuckoo
Bardzo dobre
Great northern loon

I decided to begin my story about Iceland with the great northern loon regardless. The choice was difficult to make as the meetings with the red-throated loon were probably even more exciting. I took into account also the Atlantic puffin, the whimbrel, as well as several other species, which now have their beautiful galleries on my website. And it’s all thanks to Johann to whom I am truly grateful and for whose knowledge and passion for birds and for Iceland I find no words to express my appreciation and admiration.

Moje ulubione, Dobre
Great Reed Warbler

Over the water, on reed lakes in the central part of the top reed, one can often see this water singing bird. It is so occupied with singing, that you can take photographs without much difficulty. Unfortunately, shooting from the edge with the correlation of its small size does not allow taking "anatomical" photos, showing the details of its feathering. So, again, we have to observe and find the most suitable place for the observation and wait patiently for satisfactory photos.

Bardzo dobre
Great shearwater

Admiring pictures of tubenoses (Procellariiformes) on the Internet can we really appreciate them only when we try to take such photos by ourselves. Not to mention problems with reaching the Islands of Scilly in England, although it should be noted that it was not just a nice and easy trip but full of difficulties and surprises, the shooting on the open ocean was a challenge indeed. Especially since the worse and more windy weather was the greater likelihood of meeting the birds. But for photographers this means technical problems with shooting.

Bardzo dobre
Great skua

An amazing bird. In flight it resembles an eagle, anyway the predator rather than a representative of family Charadriiformes. Only up close webs can be seen between the toes. The nesting place of the great skua is also interesting. Endless areas covered in black sand and gravel are the sites of great skua nests. Amazing gallery, how different from any others. I've added some pictures with the skua in the background to show its natural environment. Once, while driving I saw its nest in the vicinity of the road.

