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Great Spotted Cuckaoo

Last minute news-11/12-2022-Botswana

Great Spotted Woodpecker

It is perhaps the most commonly occurring woodpecker in our country. It can be found everywhere, from city parks to all kinds of forests. It is easy to photograph, but unfortunately it is rarely seen in lower parts of the forest, so lenses with bigger focal lengths are welcome. The bird will especially give us quite a lot of time if we find it pecking at a cone, stuck in a tree hole, for seeds. This activity absorbs it to such an extent that if we are quiet, such a photo session can last even a dozen-plus minutes.

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Great Thick-knee
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Great Thrush
Great Tit

It is most likely the biggest of the tits and probably the most numerously occuring. In the winter it is almost certain it will appear in your bird feeders, especially if we put some sunflower seeds or hang a piece of speck. It is a grateful object to photograph because of its coloring. Among Tits it only can not be surpassed by a Blue Tit. Excluded from this ranking is, rarely seen in our country and undoubtly the most beautiful of Tits, the Azure Tit, seen only in the winter. Great Tit matches a Sparrow with its size.

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Great Wall of China
Great White Pelican

Once I watched the great white pelican over a fairly large lake in South Africa. The pictures were taken from a hide built for bird watchers. It was not a lookout point for photographers, because there was a lack of places with better view for taking pictures, not to mention the great distance from the animals. Pelicans were in a large group accompanied by yellow-billed storks, African openbills, Caspian terns and crocodiles. The fourth species of pelican goes to my gallery, and what is more important, this species belongs to fauna of Poland.

Greater Ani
Greater Antillean Bullfinch
Greater Antillean Grackle

Probably the most common bird in Cuba. There were a lot of them, like turkey vultures, with the difference that greater antillean grackles, almost like our sparrows, lived among people. They sing beautifully and expose an amazing tail while showing emotions or singing.
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

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