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Greenish warbler

I seized this rare opportunity (I wish such situations happened more often!) to capture a new bird species several hours before starting a working day, and what is more, with such contents of the initial gallery, including a self-recorded bird’s voice. Naturally, I couldn’t have done it without certain hints (Robert, many thanks to you), regarding the place in a city park, where the greenish warbler could be seen. Luckily an hour after the sun rise there was enough light to take photographs in the quite densely grown park.

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Greet-tiled grackle

There weren’t any problems with photographing Mexican grackles. There were many encounters and the distance was small. They can be compared with European jackdaws or rooks, which are seen in our parks. Sometimes it was possible to observe males sitting on trees and warbling. The weight of a grackle does not exceed 260 grams, with a wingspan of 60 cm.
Last minute news – 03/2022 Mexico

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Grey Bushchat
Grey Butcherbird

It occurs throughout almost the whole Australia and Tasmania. The Grey Butcherbird’s weight is about 100 grams. When it comes to its food preferences, after shooting the wide range of honeyeaters here is a  surprise – this Butcherbird is carnivorous and its eating habits are similar to our Great Grey Shrike with the difference that it can hunt in groups. It is a pity that my only one short meeting with the Grey Butcherbird resulted in so few photos.

Grey Crowned-Crane

After the trip to South Africa two new crane galleries came into being – of the grey crowned-crane and the blue crane. While it will be hard to find another opportunity to take new photos of the blue crane, grey crowned-cranes can be found in many African countries, and I hope to take even better pictures of this incredibly colored bird in the future. I had a few encounters with a grey crowned-crane and always at a fairly significant distance.

Grey Heron

It is the most frequently occurring heron in Poland. Unfortunately it is very skittish and hard to photograph. It probably feeds in fixed places, to which it gets used to, and any change causes several hours’ observation of the changes which have happened in its environment. Having camouflaged myself, I think, well, I photographed the black stork for several hours. In the background there stood two herons, which kept a few-meter distance from a pond. They wouldn’t come closer and wouldn’t let me photograph them. Another time, similar story.

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Grey Kingbird
Grey partridge

As I have recently written in the information about the stock dove – I came back to the place where I’d hoped to take better pictures of these doves in the sunrise. Naturally, for such an encounter one wouldn’t do without using seed as bait, but this time I was out of luck. Well, maybe not  completely, as I managed to take my first photos of grey partridges, which I value as it is a new species for me. Grey partridges appeared on the left, unfortunately at a substantial distance. A 600 with a 1.4X converter was not enough to take good pictures.

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Grey plover

There are places which are worth  visiting every year during the autumn flights of birds. This place is Rewa (a town on the Baltic See in Poland). It has never happened to me that I was unable to observe something interesting there and to photograph it of course. This time it started with quite an interesting observation of cormorants. We were on a headland (Jan, Jurek - regards)  half an hour before sunrise. In front of us, about 100-150 meters ahead, hundreds, maybe more than a thousand cormorants  organized a morning rally. An amazing view!.

Grey seal

Unfortunately the presented photos of a grey seal weren’t taken in Poland. Even though the population of grey seal in Baltic Sea is counted in 20,000 individuals, the observations are rather rare. Probably they can be observed by the river mouth of the Vistula, so let’s hope the campaign of Seal Aquarium of Univeristy of Gdańsk will contribute to the extension of these animals in our waters.
Last minute news 06/2015
On the way to Nordcapp – introduction grey-headed chickade
Last minute news 09/2020 - Hellgoland

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