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Galeries 991 - 1000 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 100 of 257
Gray-winged Francolin

In South Africa there are probably 8 species of francolins that are very similar in their behavior to our partridges. We could see them always for the second or two, and that was it when it comes to possibility of shooting these timid birds. I do not have separate stories for each species of francolins, because the scenario was always the same. But it is worth mentioning that the natal francolin and the grey-winged francolin are endemic to South Africa, so the value of these galleries increases, and probably these galleries will never change.

Grayish Eagle-Owl
Great bittern

A few years ago I recorded the voice of a great bittern. Probably the easiest one of those recordings I have made. There was no problem with that. Its birdsong is so loud, so specific that it is impossible to confuse it with any other. The case looks completely different when it comes to taking pictures. Hardly anyone could see this bird in summer. The perfect camouflage and fact that the area where they are occurring is difficult to access make it hardly possible to notice a great bittern, not to mention taking interesting photos for the gallery.

Bardzo dobre
Great black-backed gull

The population of the great black-backed gull in Iceland is estimated between 15 to 20 thousand couples. I saw them a few times what resulted in this gallery. The great black-backed gull is a bird of a significant size. It weighs about two kilograms with a wingspan exceeding 1.5 meters.
Last minute news 06/2015

Great Blue Heron
Bardzo dobre
Great Bowerbird

The Great Bowerbird is the first representative of bowerbirds on my webpage. It is not only the first one to appear on my webpage, but also the biggest of bowerbird species in the world. The great bowerbird reaches up to 35 cm in length. The male of the great bowerbird, during its mating season builds an arbor that is up to one meter long, to which he lures the female. The arbor itself is built of sticks embedded in the ground, which creates a structure of an arbor. In front of an arbor there is a place paved with stones, prepared for the male’s mating dance.

Great Bustard

It is a very unique species of a bird for me, not only because it is the heaviest flying bird on earth (males weight up to 18 kilograms with a wingspan of around 2.4 meters), but because since my childhood years it drew my attention, bigger or smaller. It started when I was a little boy standing in front of a taxidermied Great Bustard, I froze stunned with his appearance. Majestic, huge bird, not much smaller than myself that day, he moved my imagination and made his mark in my memory.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Great Crested Grebe

Besides a Mallard (Wild Duck) and an Eurasian Coot it is the most common water bird, at least in the Greater Poland. It is extremely beautiful and because of its timidity, very hard to photograph. It can often be seen at the very center of the lake, where he feels safe, away from the shore. He dives exquisitiely in a search for fishes. Young Grebes swallow larger fishes as a whole and it looks like it will end up with choking. Grebes weigh 1.5 kilograms and their wingspan does not exceed 1 meter.
Last minute news 09/2013

Great Egret

This beautiful bird is extremely rare is our country, though its number supposed to be increasing. I have managed to photograph it, without preparation, spontaneously on the breeding ponds. Unfortunately, it is very skittish which is why the gallery does not reflect its full charm. Egret is quite a large bird. Its body length is around 1 meter, wingspan is around 1.5 meters with a weight of around 1.5 kilograms.
Last minute – 04/2013

Bardzo dobre
Great gerbil
