
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1731 - 1740 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 174 of 257
Red Kite

The story of taking my first photo of the red kite is similar to the story of photographing the normal osprey. The only difference between the two is in the season during which each of the two photos were taken: the osprey was perhaps just before its migration (autumn), and the red kite must have had its nest somewhere nearby (June). Both birds may be fascinating. Looking at pictures of the red kite which could be found on the Internet I regret that my gallery is so little.

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Red Knot

I admit that when I was getting up at 5 am in August in Swinoujście to go to the seaside with the camera I was quite skeptical about what I could photograph. The holiday season in a place like that means people on the beach practically around the clock. But without trying I will have no pictures for sure. When coming to the beach I could confess my fears proved correct, even so early you could count a dozen people.

Bardzo dobre
Red phalarope

When this bird recently visited our country I did not manage to find time to photograph it in Poland. During the expedition to Spitsbergen I hoped that there would be no problem in photographing it, as there are its natural habitats. Although we spend there quite busy days, we have only seen a red phalarope twice. As a phalarope it should have been patient and should have made it possible for us to take pictures from a close distance.

Red squirrel

It is not a secret that these photos of red squirrels can be easily taken in the big-city parks. When I was observing squirrels in the forest, I couldn’t approach them too closely to take an anatomical photo of this animal. Not to mention the speed with which they move, causing many difficulties with focus settings. The problem with squirrels living in parks is that they became so bold that if they don’t get a peanut, they may even bite you. It is unpleasant but it could be also dangerous and you always have to remember about it.

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Red winged parrot

Well, unfortunately such a beautiful bird has so few documentary photos. Unfortunately, but the Red-winged Parrot did not want to cooperate. It kept a large distance and watched me closely. But here we have some photos to publish. Due to its beauty it is also a breeding bird. The adults are about 30 centimeters long.

Red-and-yellow Barbet

Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Red-backed Scrub-Robin

South Africa- 02/2017
Last minute news-Tanzania-12/2017
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Red-backed Shrike

Although it is a lot smaller than the great grey shrike, it has much in common with this species when it comes to favorite menu and feeding habits. The red-backed shrike is in fact a carnivorous bird that eats insects, rodents and other birds. It stores excess food by means of impaling it on thorns of bushes so that it can come back to it later, when hungry. It is very difficult to photograph for two reasons.

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Red-bellied Macaw
Red-bellied Parrot
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