
Alphabetical list

Galeries 191 - 200 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 20 of 258
Bar-breasted Firefinch


Bar-headed Goose

We saw bar-headed geese on several occasions during our trip. We could observe them near water, often in the company of ruddy shelducks and Mongolian herring gulls. We never saw single specimens, but always small flocks numbering several or a dozen or so specimens. The best pictures were taken on a little pond, with camouflage, although I just wanted to photograph red-crested pochards. I did not succeed with red-crested pochards, but pictures of bar-headed geese and Mongolian herring gulls were taken.

Bardzo dobre
Bar-tailed godwit

I have stopped counting how many times I was going out to the beach at sunrise in the hope of meeting a bar-tailed godwit. Although it is considered to be common species in Poland, still it is needed to be lucky to photograph it. Of course, taking pictures of this bird in Poland can be possible only when the birds are migrating, in our country it happens in April/May and August/October. There were really several reasons why I wanted to have my own pictures of a bar-tailed godwit. The two of them are its charm and my fascination with this tireless traveler.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Bar-tailed Lark


Barbary ground squirrel

Looking for  that squirrel in the morning was useless. But I guess it likes the heat of the midday, because then comes to tourists on Fuerteventura and takes peanuts and other sweets. This is another artificially introduced species on the island. Its natural habitat is in the north-west Africa and it is the only species of squirrels living north of the Sahara. It  lives in colonies. Sometimes you can see many minor characters moving very quickly among bushes. Outside the places visited by tourists it is skittish and it is hard to take photos there.

Barbary partridge

Fortunately, this species does not occur exclusively on Fuerteventura, so it is more likely to enrich or to modernize presented gallery. When I dealt with the Barbary Partridge the situation was similar to that with the Courser, with the difference that I was able to take pictures of partridges, as far as coursers are concerned I took only one photo and of poor quality. Well, this gallery is not created. Barbary partridges appeared for a moment, and as in case of all birds living all around desert  of Fuerteventura they were very skittish.

Barbary sheep
Bare Throatet Tiger Heron

An amazing heron. As we were sailing in a boat towards the river mouth to see a heron seeking food we had an impression that we were observing a large bird. Its stretched neck made such an impression. Amazing plumage. After a while of standing still it suddenly changed its position. The neck sort of hid, shrank, and the heron became much smaller, inconspicuous. Due to its plumage it was impossible to look out for it. It blended in with the environment. Many new galleries of representatives of the Pelecanidae family were made thanks to my trip to Costa Rica.

Bare-faced Go-away-bird
