
Alphabetical list

Galeries 211 - 220 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 22 of 258
Barrow's goldeneye

I’m happy to have had an encounter with the barrow’s goldeneye quite as much as I’m glad to have met the great northern loon. In Europe Barrow’s goldeneyes can be seen almost exclusively in Iceland. At first glance they are very similar to common goldeneyes. During a closer contact with these birds, however, I was sure how to identify this species. It is estimated that the population of this bird in Iceland is about 800-900 couples (2014). During one encounter I managed to take numerous shots, also some dynamic ones, which I always appreciate…

Bat-eared fox

It occurs in the central and the southern Africa and I hope that these few documentary photos taken in South Africa will be changed in the future and I will present all the charm of this gorgeous representative of the Accipitriformes order. For now, as a reminder of the encounter with the bateleur, a documentary gallery is created on my website.
Last minute news- 12/17' - Tanzania
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Baudo Guan
Bardzo dobre
Baya Weaver

It occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. It lives in small flocks. I managed to notice it many times, but regrettably it was quite skittish. The weight of this bird is about 40 grams, and its body length is about 17 cm.

Bean Goose

The bean goose can be often found in our country during its flights. Unfortunately they are very skittish and without camouflage you can’t approach them close enough to take a satisfactory picture. An amazing experience is watching hundreds, if not thousands, of these birds, which, after the breeding time, feed on the fields. A take-off of such a large group of birds makes a lot of terrible noise, but is also very impressive. The bean goose can weigh up to 3.5 kg, with a wingspan of over 1.5 meters.
Last minute news 10/2013

Bardzo dobre
Bearded Parrotbill

Many times when spending time on lakes I searched unsuccessfully for the Bearded Reedling. This is so beautiful and colorful bird that my desire to take pictures of it was growing over time. Up to a certain, fairly cloudy November day. And all that happened thanks to Robert and Jan (I cordially greet),  when the three of us went on a picturesque water body. At the beginning our enthusiasm was falling down every minute. I sat camouflaged in reed beds, but within a few hours of waiting neither one reedling appeared.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Bearded Scrub-Robin
Bearded vulture

Frankly speaking when I was flying to Turkey, I did not believe that I would manage to photograph such a rare bird as the bearded vulture. In the whole world there's unfortunately only a few hundred pairs, but if I was successful with the houbara bustard, of which there are also a few hundred specimen in the world,  I thought maybe I would be successful this time again. When I was preparing for the trip I watched pictures and read about this bird.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
