
Alphabetical list

Galeries 201 - 210 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 21 of 258
Bare-Faced Ibis

The photos you can find here were taken in a city park in Buenos Aires. The ibis supposed to be well assimilated there, because when I was there twice, each time I could watch it. Keeping a distance of a dozen - twenty meters it did not run away and let me take these pictures.

Bare-legged Owl
Bardzo dobre
Barn Owl

The barn owl is the 12th species in the family of owls included in the fauna of Poland that I have in my photo collection. It occurs practically on all continents, except Antarctica. Unfortunately, it belongs to the nocturnal owls and this feature makes it difficult to take pictures, not to mention good pictures of this bird. For the first time I could see barn owls on Sardinia, but they were so skittish that I have no photos of this bird from this trip.

Barn Swallow

It is one hell of a flier. It spends most of time in the air. Daily it can fly up to several hundred kilometers, at a speed reaching about 100 km/h. It eats insects. Unfortunately due to its small size, the great dynamics of its flight pattern, and the speed at which it moves, you have to be very lucky, patient and have the right equipment to take interesting pictures of this bird in flight. In autumn, after they raise their young, barn swallows roost on reed beds, near water reservoirs.

Bardzo dobre
Barnacle Goose

Such species as the barnacle goose can be encountered in our country only during their migration, and besides they are very rare. I must say that October 2013 was the month of geese of the genus Branta for me. I photographed three species of this bird, two of which are rare and difficult to photograph. The barnacle goose’s shooting session happened by chance and thanks to my determination. Yes, I had got some hint about the spot where barnacle geese can be encountered.

Bardzo dobre
Barred Antshrike

Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Barred Becard
Barred Buttonquail
Barred Fruiteater
Bardzo dobre
Barred Warbler

I haven’t seen such a territorial bird before, especially this size. Barred Warbler, despite resembling a House Sparrow in size, doesn’t tolerate any other birds within its territory. Most often being small trees or bushes. “My” warbler inhabited quite thick bushes from which it would scare all the intruders. Surprisingly, also couple of Red-backed Shrikes, which most likely had a nest few meters from the bush. Red-backed shrikes have reputation of little predators, so the submission towards a Barred Warbler astonished me.

Bardzo dobre
