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Black Guan
Black guillemot

I saw the Black Guillemot twice while being in Iceland. Unfortunately only once there were the conditions and the distance good enough for me to take pictures. The images presented here were taken on the second time, but in a rather monotonous environment, static shots at cloudy evening (at 22). Thus not all species have the beautiful varied gallery after my photographic workshop in Iceland. Black guillemots live in colonies. Their weight is about 400 grams, with a wingspan of about 60 centimeters.
Last minute news 06/2015

Black Heron

South Africa-02/2017

Black Iguana

It was sitting so still, several meters from the exit of the room, that one could think that it was just a rubber imitation of an animal. When I stepped one – two meters towards it, the iguana moved slightly. They reach up to 1,3 meters in length. They eat mostly fruit, flowers, rarely smaller animals. They appear in all Central America from Mexico to Panama and Colombia.
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Bardzo dobre
Black jacobin

Being in Iguazú, even if you are not particularly interested in bird beauties, you should visit a place, which is unique on a global scale. Every taxi driver knows this place in  Iguazú and for a few dollars will take you to an amazing hummingbird garden. An admission ticket costs really little. The place itself is very plain. For many years, on a small area of a backgarden, its owner has been hanging water fountains for hummingbirds around.

Black Kite

As for the Kite in Poland I was not fortunate and until now my kite’s gallery has been a one-photo gallery. They are very rare and skittish in our country. But what a surprise here in Australia, I was able to photograph two species of kite and these are not single photos. Away from the city they could be seen from time to time. Sitting on a tree kites allowed me to take pictures without camouflaging and there was no need to adjust much to frame. It is a pity that all the photos were taken in a fairly intense sun.

Bardzo dobre
Black Lark

I chose to highlight this species because the Black lark, a representative of the skylarks, is a bird characteristic of the Kazakh steppes, which were the focus of our expedition. Although the Black lark has only been recorded in Poland once, it is formally considered part of our country's fauna. Our reports from the trip to Kazakhstan cover areas several hundred kilometers from the cities of Almaty and Astana. In the vicinity of Almaty, in the south of the country, the steppe landscape often resembled a desert with very high temperatures.

Bardzo dobre
Black locust
Black Phoebe

Costa Rica
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Bardzo dobre
Black Redstart

This is one hell of a singer, found in urban areas. It often begins its heartbreaking song on a summer night, just before the dawn. So for those who have trouble sleeping and are not particularly fond of various sounds of nature this might be a problem. Nowadays the Cinderella more often occurs in urban areas than in forests. Sometimes mistaken for the redstart, it is a little smaller than the sparrow. It has a weight of less than 20 g, with a wingspan of about 25 cm.
Last minutes news – 05-2014

Bardzo dobre
