Although I managed to capture many species of hummingbirds, you can find there one description of all 22 species photographed in Costa Rica together. This time my expedition took longer and the light was better, I had therefore an opportunity to take many dynamic pictures. It is interesting that driving around Costa Rica after traveling several kilometers there were species of hummingbirds completely different from those we could observe earlier. Costa Rica is a small country (several percent of Polish territory) and in such a small area there is such a variety of species of hummingbirds. Wherever hummingbirds were: in roadside bars, hotels, there were drinking bowls which attracted dozens of them. The fact that hummingbirds were at hand does not mean that it was easy to take presented photos, especially those dynamic. They move so fast that there was no time to think for me nor for autofocus to set long time. Fortunately they behave fairly predictably, at least most of them. After quenching their thirst at the drinking bowl they flew 20-30 cm away and hovered in the air for a second - two, to see what was happening around. This is how the majority of the presented images were created. Hummingbirds often compete against each other and there is a lot of pushing and shoving between them. These air fights on the fly are virtually impossible to photograph. All this takes fractions of a second, covering several meters, what, with their filigree silhouette, makes it impossible to take satisfactory images. Hummingbirds were not afraid of people at all, and it happened that when I was shooting they sat on my shoulder. As it happens in nature photography, my contacts with hummingbirds resulted in pictures of different quantity and quality. So I have built new galleries, where because of excess of images I found it difficult to decide which of them include or exclude, and some that have very modest content. Just to identify the species correctly it was not  easy. Depending on the light the same bird could have for example dark green coloration at one moment, and after a while, when the lighting conditions changed, turned into a beautifully coloured bird with shimmering glittering plumage. In total I managed to photograph 22 of 50 species that occur in Costa Rica.

Kostaryka wykaz -angielski


Costa Rica- introductory text - Resplendent Quetzal.
Birds-new galleries:
1.Resplendent Quetzal. 2.Boat-billed Heron.(V) 3.Montezuma Oropendola.(V) 4.Collared Aracari. 5.Grey-necked Wood-Rail. 6.Grey-headed Chachalaca. 7.Chestnut-mandibled Toucan.(V) 8.Fiery-throated Hummingbird. 9.Northern Jacana. 10.Chestnut-headed Oropendola. 11.Brown Pelican. 12.Crested guan. 13.Green Honeycreeper. 14.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird. 15.Green-breasted mango. 16.Red-legged Honeycreeper. 17.White-necked Jacobin. 18.Flame-colored Tanager. 19. ummer Tanager. 20.Squirrel Cuckoo.(V) 21.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.(V) 22.Golden-hooded tanager. 23.Magnificent Hummingbird. 24.Snowy Egret.(V) 25.Mangrove Black-hawk. 26.Clay-colored Thrush. 27.Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. 28.Acorn Woodpecker.(V) 29.Slaty Flowerpiercer. 30.Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher. 31.Groove-billed Ani. 32.Emerald Toucanet. 33.Turquoise-browed Motmot. 34.Collared Redstart. 35.Volcano or Cerise-throated Hummingbird. 36.Rufous-naped Wren. 37.Black-crested Coquette. 38. Black-necked Stilt. 39.Palm Tanager. 40.Blue-grey Tanager.(V) 41.Crowned Woodnymph. 42.Greet-tailed Grackle. (V) 43.Scarlet-thighed Dacnis. 44.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 45.Pale-vented Pigeon. 46.Red-throated Ant-Tanager. 47.Neotropic Cormorant. 48.Long-billed Hermit. 49.Silver-throated Tanager. 50.Passerini's Tanager. 51.Scarlet Macaw.(V) 52.Brown Jay. 53.Little Blue Heron. 54.Tricolored Heron.... 55.Pale-billed Woodpecker. 56.Violet-headed Hummingbird. 57.Inca Dove. 58.Baltimore Oriole. 59.Small-billed Cacique. 60.Green Thorntail. 61.Olive-backed Euphonia. 62.White-vented Euphonia. 63.Black-and-white Owl. 64.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 65.Purple Gallinule. 66.Tropical Screech-Owl. 67.Crimson-collared Tanager. 68.Slaty-tailed Trogon. 69.Bare-throated Tiger Heron. 70.Green Violetear. 71.Blue Dacnis. 72.Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. 73.Black Phoebe. 74.Yellow-thighed Finch. 75.White Ibis. 76.Green Ibis. 77.Black-cowled Oriole. 78.Yellow-headed Caracara. 79.Common Tody-Flycatcher. 80.Chestnut-sided Warbler. 81.Ruddy Treerunner. 82.Amazon Kingfisher. 83.Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. 84.Snail Kite. 85.Tropical Kingbird. 86.White-naped Brush Finch. 87.Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager. 88.Masked Tityra. 89.Streaked Flycatcher. 90.Grey-capped Flycatcher. 91.Boat-billed Flycatcher.(V) 92.Solitary Sandpiper. 93. Spotted Sandpiper. 94.Green-crowned Brilliant. 95.Barred Antshrike.(V) 96.Great Blue Heron. 97.Yellow-bellied Siskin. 98.Red-crowned Woodpecker. 99.Hoffmann's Woodpecker. 100.Black-capped Flycatcher. 101.White-winged Dove. 102.White-tailed Kite. 103.Black-cheeked Warbler. 104.Buff-rumped Warbler. 105.Northern Waterthrush. 106.Tennessee Warbler. 107.Purple-throated Mountain-gem. 108.Mangrove Swallow. 109.Broad-billed Motmot. 110.White-throated Magpie-Jay. 111.White-breasted Wood-Wren. 112.Scarlet-fronted Parakeet. 113.Golden-browed Chlorophonia. 114.Black-headed Trogon. 115.Gartered Trogon. 116.Keel-billed Toucan. 117.Roseate Sponbill. 118.Violet Sabrewing.... 119.Buff-throated Saltator. 120.Social Flycatcher. 121.Willet. 122.Kentucky Warbler. 123.American Mountain Thrush. 124.Streak-headed Woodcreeper. 125.Spot-crowned Woodcreeper. 126.Green Heron. 127.Red-billed Pigeon. 128.Pearl Kite. 129.Yellow-billed Cacique. 130.Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 131.Barred Becard. 132.Rufous-capped Warbler. 133.Tawny-crested Tanager. 134.Plain-brown Woodcreeper. 135.White-throated Mountain. 136.Panama Flycatcher. 137.Broad-winged Hawk. 138.Tree Swallow. 139.Rufous Motmot.(V) 140.Slate-throated Redstart. 141.Blue-black Grassquit. 142.Riverside Wren. 143.Long-tailed Woodcreeper. 144.Torrent Tyrannulet. 145.Wilson's Warbler. 146.Philadelphia Vireo. 147.Red-breasted Blackbird. 148.Fasciated Antshrike. 149.Variable Seedeater. 150.Red-headed Barbet. 151.Lesser Goldfinch. 152.Black-bellied Hummingbird. 153.Sooty Thrush. 154.Wood Thrush. 155.Grey-cheeked Thrush. 156.Mountain Elaenia. 157.Black Guan. 158.Blue-and-white Swallow. 159.Golden-crowned Warbler. 160.Plain Antvireo. 161.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 162.Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer. 163.Flame-throated Warbler. 164.Golden-winged Warbler. 165.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 166.Lesser Greenlet. 167.Spotted Woodcreeper. 168.Slaty Antwren. 169.Blue-crowned Motmot. 170.White-crowned Parrot. 171.Rufous Mourner. 172.Green Hermit. 173.Bright-rumped Attila. 174.Chestnut-capped babbler. 175.Sooty-faced Finch. 176.Steely-vented Hummingbird. 177.Tangara dowii. 178.Cherrie's Tanager. 179.Southern Rough-winged Swallow. 180.Northern Rough-winged Swallow. 181.Large-footed Finch. 182.Eastern Meadowlark. 183.Thick-billed Seed-Finch. 184.Black-headed Saltator. 185.Greyish Saltator. 186.White-eared Ground-Sparrow. 187.Magnificent Frigatebird. 188.White-ringed Flycatcher. 189.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 190. lack-bellied Hummingbird.... 191.Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher. 192.Orchard oriole.
And changes in the galleries birds: 1.Great Kiskadee. 2.Southern Lapwing. 3.Great Egret. 4 House Wren. 5.Cattle Egret. 6.Roadside Hawk.(V) 7.Rufous-collared Sparrow(V).8.Osprey.(V) 9.Black Vulture. 10.Turkey Vulture. 11.Bananaquit. 12.Yellow-bellied Elaenia. 13.Lineated Woodpecker.
Reptiles- -new galleries :1.Plumed Basilisk. 2. Brown Basilisk. 3.Black Iguana. 4.Green Iguana (changes). 5.American Crocodile.
Amphibians --new galleries : Strawberry Poison Frog.
Mammals-new galleries : 1.Linnaeus's two-toed sloth. 2.White-headed Capuchin. 3. White-nosed coati. 4.Variegated squirrel. 5 Mantled Howler.(V) 6.Greater sac-winged bat.(V).
Go yo the gallery: COSTA RICA- FAUNA Costa Rica-SLIDESHOW