I have encountered the white-throated sparrow many times. It is as common there as a sparrow in Poland, maybe to a lesser extent and not in such a large number. The pictures were always taken incidentally, as an aside. I was also able to make a voice recording (see description: Great kiskadee). The white-throated sparrow is found in the Americas. Its wingspan does not exceed 25 centimeters and the body weight is less than 30 grams.
Last minute news - 12/2015
The white-throated sparrow gallery not only was changed by new photos but actually 100% built anew with new images taken in Costa Rica. In the garden of the hotel which I stayed in, where around I was taking photos of resplendent quetzal, white-throated sparrows could be photographed even with short lenses. There were a lot of them and they were not skittish at all. Their posture and behavior resembled me our sparrows and Eurasian tree sparrows. Recording their voice was not a problem also, as they were sitting at a height of 2-3 meters and their voices resounded throughout the entire area. Frankly speaking here should be noted some problems with the recording, I have to mention the noise tourists walking through the park made, which have been carefully cut from the recording.
Last minute news - 09-2023

Argentyna wykaz gatunków - jezyk angielski


ARGENTINA - Toco toucan- introductory text
List of newly gallery birds:

1.Toco Toucan 2.Imperial Shag 3.Crested Caracara. 4.Blue Manakin.5.Black-Throated Mango. 6.Upland Goose.7.Patagonian Sierra-Finch. 8.Southern Lapwing. 9.Austral thrush.10.Field Flicker. 11.White-Throated Caracara. 12.Red-Crested Cardinal.13.Rock Cormorant. 14.Dolphin Gull. 15. Violaceous Euphonia.16.Chestnut-Bellied Euphonia.17.Thorn-Tailed Rayadito.18.Rufous-collared Sparrow.19.South American Tern.20.Black Vulture.21.Chestnut-eared Aracari. 22.Swallow-tailed hummingbird. 23.Chimango Caracara.24.Surucua Trogon.25.Violet-Capped Woodnymph. 26.Great kiskadee 27.Tufted tit-tyrant. 28.Hooded Siskin. 29.Wattled Jacana. 30.Ochre-Collared Piculet. 31.Green-Barred Woodpecker. 32.Magellanic Woodpecker. 33.Blond-Crested Woodpecker.34.Picazuro Pigeon. 35.Guira Cuckoo.36.Bare-Faced Ibis. 37.Black-faced-ibis. 38.Chilean Swallow. 39. Yellow-billed cardinal.40.Black-Hooded Parakeet. 41.Tropical Parula.42.Kelp Goose. 43.Black Jacobin.44.Chalk-Browed Mockingbird.45.House Wren.46.Gilded Hummingbird.47.Versicoloured Emerald. 48.Dark-Bellied Cinclodes. 49.Golden-Billed Saltator. 50.Crested duck.51.Black-and-rufous warbling-finch. 52.Rufous-Bellied Thrush.53.Black-Banded Woodcreeper.54.Lineated Woodpecker. 55.Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker. 56.Rufous Hornero. 57.Plain-Breasted Ground-Dove.58.Black-Necked Swan. 59.Ruddy-Heded Goose. 60.Least Grebe. 61.Scaly-headed parrot. 62.Magpie Tanager. 63.White-winged parakeet. 64.Baywing. 65.Saffron Finch. 66.Eared Pygmy-Tyrant. 67.South American Snipe. 68.Ringed Teal. 69.Chequered woodpecker.70.Yellow-bellied elaenia.71.Plumbeous Kite. 72.Red-Crested Finch. 73.Roadside hawk. 74.Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird.75Turkey Vulture. 76. Austral Blackbird.77.Sayaca Tanager.78.Bananaquit.79.Swallow-tailed kite.80.Straight-billed hermit. 81.Andean Condor. 82.White-eyed Parakeet. 83.Pied-billed Grebe. 84.Austral Pigmy-Owl.85.Double-Collared Seedeater. 86.Blackish Oystercatcher. 87. Austral negrito.88.Ruddy ground dove. 89.Speckled Teal.90.Grey-rumped Swift. 91.Fuegian steamer duck.92.Chilean Skua. 93.Greenish Elaenia. 94.Black-baked gull.95.Common Gallinule.
List of mammals newly gallery: 1.South American coati. 2.South American sea lion. 3.Brazilian guinea pig.
List of reptiles newly gallery:  Argentine gigant tegu.
Changes in the galleries birds: 1.Monk parakeet. 2.Sand martin.
Changes in the galleries insect: 1.Butterflies. 2. Other insects.
Go to the gallery: A R G E N T I N A   F A U N A

Kostaryka wykaz -angielski


Costa Rica- introductory text - Resplendent Quetzal.
Birds-new galleries:
1.Resplendent Quetzal. 2.Boat-billed Heron.(V) 3.Montezuma Oropendola.(V) 4.Collared Aracari. 5.Grey-necked Wood-Rail. 6.Grey-headed Chachalaca. 7.Chestnut-mandibled Toucan.(V) 8.Fiery-throated Hummingbird. 9.Northern Jacana. 10.Chestnut-headed Oropendola. 11.Brown Pelican. 12.Crested guan. 13.Green Honeycreeper. 14.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird. 15.Green-breasted mango. 16.Red-legged Honeycreeper. 17.White-necked Jacobin. 18.Flame-colored Tanager. 19. ummer Tanager. 20.Squirrel Cuckoo.(V) 21.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.(V) 22.Golden-hooded tanager. 23.Magnificent Hummingbird. 24.Snowy Egret.(V) 25.Mangrove Black-hawk. 26.Clay-colored Thrush. 27.Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. 28.Acorn Woodpecker.(V) 29.Slaty Flowerpiercer. 30.Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher. 31.Groove-billed Ani. 32.Emerald Toucanet. 33.Turquoise-browed Motmot. 34.Collared Redstart. 35.Volcano or Cerise-throated Hummingbird. 36.Rufous-naped Wren. 37.Black-crested Coquette. 38. Black-necked Stilt. 39.Palm Tanager. 40.Blue-grey Tanager.(V) 41.Crowned Woodnymph. 42.Greet-tailed Grackle. (V) 43.Scarlet-thighed Dacnis. 44.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 45.Pale-vented Pigeon. 46.Red-throated Ant-Tanager. 47.Neotropic Cormorant. 48.Long-billed Hermit. 49.Silver-throated Tanager. 50.Passerini's Tanager. 51.Scarlet Macaw.(V) 52.Brown Jay. 53.Little Blue Heron. 54.Tricolored Heron. 55.Pale-billed Woodpecker. 56.Violet-headed Hummingbird. 57.Inca Dove. 58.Baltimore Oriole. 59.Small-billed Cacique. 60.Green Thorntail. 61.Olive-backed Euphonia. 62.White-vented Euphonia.  63.Black-and-white Owl. 64.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 65.Purple Gallinule. 66.Tropical Screech-Owl. 67.Crimson-collared Tanager. 68.Slaty-tailed Trogon. 69.Bare-throated Tiger Heron. 70.Green Violetear. 71.Blue Dacnis. 72.Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. 73.Black Phoebe. 74.Yellow-thighed Finch. 75.White Ibis. 76.Green Ibis. 77.Black-cowled Oriole. 78.Yellow-headed Caracara. 79.Common Tody-Flycatcher. 80.Chestnut-sided Warbler. 81.Ruddy Treerunner. 82.Amazon Kingfisher. 83.Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. 84.Snail Kite. 85.Tropical Kingbird. 86.White-naped Brush Finch. 87.Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager.
88.Masked Tityra. 89.Streaked Flycatcher. 90.Grey-capped Flycatcher. 91.Boat-billed Flycatcher.(V) 92.Solitary Sandpiper. 93. Spotted Sandpiper. 94.Green-crowned Brilliant. 95.Barred Antshrike.(V) 96.Great Blue Heron. 97.Yellow-bellied Siskin. 98.Red-crowned Woodpecker. 99.Hoffmann's Woodpecker. 100.Black-capped Flycatcher. 101.White-winged Dove. 102.White-tailed Kite. 103.Black-cheeked Warbler. 104.Buff-rumped Warbler. 105.Northern Waterthrush. 106.Tennessee Warbler. 107.Purple-throated Mountain-gem. 108.Mangrove Swallow. 109.Broad-billed Motmot. 110.White-throated Magpie-Jay. 111.White-breasted Wood-Wren. 112.Scarlet-fronted Parakeet. 113.Golden-browed Chlorophonia. 114.Black-headed Trogon. 115.Gartered Trogon. 116.Keel-billed Toucan. 117.Roseate Sponbill. 118.Violet Sabrewing. 119.Buff-throated Saltator. 120.Social Flycatcher. 121.Willet. 122.Kentucky Warbler. 123.American Mountain Thrush. 124.Streak-headed Woodcreeper. 125.Spot-crowned Woodcreeper. 126.Green Heron. 127.Red-billed Pigeon. 128.Pearl Kite. 129.Yellow-billed Cacique. 130.Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 131.Barred Becard. 132.Rufous-capped Warbler. 133.Tawny-crested Tanager. 134.Plain-brown Woodcreeper. 135.White-throated Mountain. 136.Panama Flycatcher. 137.Broad-winged Hawk. 138.Tree Swallow. 139.Rufous Motmot.(V) 140.Slate-throated Redstart. 141.Blue-black Grassquit. 142.Riverside Wren. 143.Long-tailed Woodcreeper. 144.Torrent Tyrannulet. 145.Wilson's Warbler. 146.Philadelphia Vireo. 147.Red-breasted Blackbird. 148.Fasciated Antshrike. 149.Variable Seedeater. 150.Red-headed Barbet. 151.Lesser Goldfinch. 152.Black-bellied Hummingbird. 153.Sooty Thrush. 154.Wood Thrush. 155.Grey-cheeked Thrush. 156.Mountain Elaenia. 157.Black Guan. 158.Blue-and-white Swallow. 159.Golden-crowned Warbler. 160.Plain Antvireo. 161.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 162.Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer. 163.Flame-throated Warbler. 164.Golden-winged Warbler. 165.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 166.Lesser Greenlet. 167.Spotted Woodcreeper. 168.Slaty Antwren. 169.Blue-crowned Motmot. 170.White-crowned Parrot. 171.Rufous Mourner. 172.Green Hermit. 173.Bright-rumped Attila. 174.Chestnut-capped babbler. 175.Sooty-faced Finch. 176.Steely-vented Hummingbird. 177.Tangara dowii. 178.Cherrie's Tanager. 179.Southern Rough-winged Swallow. 180.Northern Rough-winged Swallow. 181.Large-footed Finch. 182.Eastern Meadowlark. 183.Thick-billed Seed-Finch. 184.Black-headed Saltator. 185.Greyish Saltator. 186.White-eared Ground-Sparrow. 187.Magnificent Frigatebird. 188.White-ringed Flycatcher. 189.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 190. lack-bellied Hummingbird. 191.Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher.  192.Orchard oriole.
And changes in the galleries birds: 1.Great Kiskadee. 2.Southern Lapwing. 3.Great Egret. 4 House Wren. 5.Cattle Egret. 6.Roadside Hawk.(V) 7.Rufous-collared Sparrow(V). 8.Osprey.(V) 9.Black Vulture. 10.Turkey Vulture. 11.Bananaquit. 12.Yellow-bellied Elaenia. 13.Lineated Woodpecker.
Reptiles- -new galleries :1.Plumed Basilisk. 2. Brown Basilisk. 3.Black Iguana. 4.Green Iguana (changes). 5.American Crocodile.
Amphibians - -new galleries : Strawberry Poison Frog.
Mammals -new galleries : 1.Linnaeus's two-toed sloth. 2.White-headed Capuchin. 3. White-nosed coati. 4.Variegated squirrel. 5 Mantled Howler.(V) 6.Greater sac-winged bat.(V).
Go yo the gallery:  COSTA RICA- FAUNA             Costa Rica-SLIDESHOW

Ekwador wykaz angielski


Ecuador 09/2023-introductory text- Andean Cock-of-the-rock
News galery:

1.Andean Cock-of-the-rock(T,V). 2.Toucan Barbet. 3.Long-wattled Umbrellabird. 4.Masked Trogon. 5.Rufous-breasted Antthrush. 6.Torrent Duck. 7.Orange-cheeked Parrot. 8.Hoatzin(V).  9.Sunbittern(T). 10.Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan(V). 11.Glistening-green Tanager. 12.White-capped Dipper. 13.Red-bellied Macaw. 14.Cobalt-winged Parakeet(V). 15.Black Skimmer. 16.Golden-rumped Euphonia. 17. Crimson-rumped Toucanet. 18.Golden Tanager. 19.Golden-bellied Grosbeak. 20.Sparkling Violetear(T).21.Collared Inca(T). 22.Tyrian Metaltail(T). 23.Pink-throated Brilliant(T). 24.Sapphire-vented Puffleg(T). 25.Purple-throated Woodstar(T). 26.Mountain Velvetbreast(T). 27.Buff-winged Starfrontlet(T). 28.Andean Emerald(T). 29.Booted Racket-tail(T). 30.Brown Violetear(T). 31.White-whiskered Hermit(T). 32.Violet-tailed Sylph(T). 33.Purple-bibbed Whitetip 34.Fawn-breasted Brilliant(T). 35.Buff-tailed Coronet(T). 36.Brown Inca(T). 37.Velvet-purple Coronet(T). 38.Gorgeted Sunangel(T). 39.Tawny-bellied Hermit(T). 40.White-tailed Hillstar(T). 41.Speckled Hummingbird(T). 42.Empress Brilliant(T). 43.Ecuadorian Hillstar(TT). 44.Green-crowned Woodnymph(T). 45.Shining Sunbeam(T). 46.Black-tailed Trainbearer(T). 47.Rainbow-bearded Thornbill(T). 48.Violet-fronted Brilliant(T). 49.Sword-billed Hummingbird(T). 50.Bronzy Inca(T). 51.Blue-mantled Thornbill(T). 52.Gorgeted Woodstar(T). 53.Wire-crested Thorntail(T). 54.Chestnut-breasted Coronet(T). 55.Tourmaline Sunangel(T). 56.Giant Hummingbird(TT). 57.White-bellied Woodstar(T). 58.Golden-tailed Sapphire. 59.Black-crowned Tityra. 60.Yellow-breasted Antpitta(T). 61.Giant Antpitta. 62.Moustached Antpitta. 63.Ochre-breasted Antpitta. 64.Chestnut-crowned Antpitta. 65.Rufous antpitta. 66.White-lored Antpitta(V). 67.Plain-backed Antpitta. 68.Chestnut-fronted Macaw. 69.Yellow-rumped Cacique. 70. White-throated Screech-Owl. 71.Great Horned Owl. 72.Band-bellied Owl. 73.Vermiculated Screech-Owl. 74.Tawny-bellied screech owl. 75.Black-crested Warbler. 76.Little Woodpecker. 77.Ladder-tailed Nightjar. 78.Lettered Aracari. 79.Montane Woodcreeper. 80.Sungrebe. 81.Black-capped Donacobius. 82.Rufescent Tiger-Heron. 83.Black-mandibled Toucan. 84.Golden-collared Toucanet. 85.Red-crested Cotinga. 86.Andean Lapwing. 87.Carunculated Caracara. 88.Laughing Falcon. 89.Rufous-throated Tanager. 90.Black-billed Treehunter. 91.Ecuadorian Thrush. 92.Beryl-spangled Tanager. 93.Streak-capped Treehunter. 94.Equatorial Motmot (Andean Motmot). 95.Thick-billed Euphonia. 96.Flame-faced Tanager. 97.Golden-headed Quetzal(V). 98.Barred Fruiteater. 99.Eared Dove. 100.Great Thrush.101.Baudo Guan. 102.Rufous-naped Brush-Finch. 103.Masked Flowerpiercer. 104.White-sided Flowerpiercer. 105.Blue-capped Tanager. 106.Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager. 107.Blue-winged Mountain-tanager. 108.Flame-rumped Tanager. 109.Golden-naped Tanager. 110.Bronze-green Euphonia. 111.Black-capped Tanager. 112.Dusky bush tanager. 113. Orange-bellied Euphonia. 114.Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager. 115.Palm Tanager. 116.Blue-necked Tanager.117.Yellow-billed Cacique. 118.Russet-backed Oropendola(G). 119.White-throated Quail-Dove. 120.White-lined Tanager. 121.Yellow-olive Flycatcher. 122.Golden-crowned Flycatcher. 123.Three-striped Warbler. 124.Ornate Flycatcher. 125.Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner. 126.Tawny-breasted Flycatcher. 127.Wedge-billed Woodcreeper. 128.Orange-breasted Fruiteater. 129.Olive-crowned Yellowthroat. 130.Golden-collared Honeycreeper. 131.Moss-backed Tanager. 132.Black-striped Sparrow. 133.Yellow-billed Pintail. 134.Andean Teal. 135.Many-striped Canastero. 136.Chestnut-winged Cinclodes. 137.Azara's Spinetail. 138.Glossy-black Thrush. 139.Plumbeous Sierra-Finch. 140.Tricolored Brush-Finch. 141.Western Fire-eye . 142.Plumbeous Pigeon. 143.Black-banded Crake. 144.Turquoise Jay. 145.Blue-rumped Manakin. 146.Blue-headed Parrot (V). 147.Crested Oropendola. 148.Bar-bellied Woodpecker. 149.Gilded barbet. 150.Deep-blue flowerpiercer. 151.Yellow-tufted Woodpecker. 152.Black-faced Antbird. 153.Speckled Chachalaca. 154.Black-and-white Seedeater. 155.Greater Ani(V). 156.Cynoberek. 157.Ringed Kingfisher. 158.Red-capped Cardinal. 159.Lesser Kiskadee. 160.Grey-breasted Crake(V). 161.Scarlet-crowned Barbet. 162.Vermilion Flycatcher. 163.Cinereous Conebill. 164.Blue-and-yellow Tanager. 165.White-winged Brush-Finch. 166.Cocoi Heron. 167.White-banded Swallow. 168.Giant Cowbird. 169.Drab Water-Tyrant. 170.Buff-breasted Sandpiper. 171.Large-billed Tern. 172.Black Caracara. 173.White-eared Jacamar. 174.Pale-vented Pigeon. 175.Southern Mealy Parrot. 176.Dusky-headed Parakeet. 177.Cliff flycatcher(V). 178.Yellow-browed Sparrow. 179.Black-headed Parrot. 180.Baird's sandpiper.181.Swallow-wing.182.Western Emerald. 
1.Central American agouti. 2.White-tailed deer. 3.Proboscis bat. 4.White-tailed titi monkey(V).
Changes in the galery BIRDS:
1.Andean Condor(T). 2.Scarlet Macaw. 3.Black Vulture. 4.White-necked Jacobin (T). 5.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (T). 6.Broad-billed Motmot. 7.Inca Jay. 8.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 9.Spotted Sandpiper. 10.Slate-throated Redstart. 11.Chestnut capped Brush Finch. 12.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 13.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 14.Green Thorntail. 15.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 16.Northern Potoo. 17.Tropical Parula. 18.Squirrel Cuckoo. 19.Collared Aracari. 20.Saffron Finch. 21.Black-faced Ibis. 22.Bananaquit. 23.Black Phoebe. 24.Swallow-tailed Kite. 25.Green Hermit. 26.Smooth-billed Ani. 27.Common tody-flycatcher. 28.Roadside Hawk. 29.Striated Heron. 30.Wattled Jacana. 31.Limpkin. 32.Blue-and-white Swallow. 33.Snail Kite. 34.Green Ibis. 35.Lineated Woodpecker. 36.Purple Gallinule. 37.Southern lapwing. 38.Cattle Egret. 39.Tropical Mockingbird. 40.Great Egret. 41.Tropical Kingbird. 42.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. 43.Rufous-collared Sparrow.


ECUADOR -QUITO          ECUADOR -QUITO CATHEDRAL                              ECUADOR -OTHER

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