It was not easy to photograph parrots on Costa Rica. Often one could see flocks of them flying over and hear the accompanying squawking noise they made. They always sat high on tree tops.  I don’t know why, but only this group of birds kept far from people and birds feeding places. Luckily I managed to take several pictures of the scarlet macaw, which is the biggest representative of parrots in the world. The weight of a scarlet macaw reaches up to 2 kg, with a wingspan of up to one meter. Of course without a local guide the photos presented here would not be taken, exactly due to problems with observing them from a small distance. The first encounter took place on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. We photographed cormorants and pelicans by the sea. On a tree, on the beach just at the seaside, there was the first scarlet macaw, which we encountered on Costa Rica, sitting alone. The distance was not big and with my 600 mm lens I had to step back in order to be able to take a photo. Several pictures are taken and the bird is gone. The second encounter was much more interesting, although the pictures taken were maybe more specific. Just before the sunset we went to a place which is frequented by scarlet macaws at night. On the edge of a rainforest large rice fields were situated. Among them there were two huge trees: one was shorter and green, and the other was taller and dry. The birds were to appear on the latter. We had to go several hundred meters from the road through the fields, cross a rushing stream of several meter’s width, to see this interesting convention of birds. Indeed, the birds were coming in pairs, making a huge noise. I recorded their sound, which is not pretty, by the way. There were some scuffles between them to settle who would have a more comfortable place for the night. Unfortunately the distance was still large, and there was sky at the background. I don’t have much reason to be satisfied, which is a pity, as in fact there were several dozen of birds and one would like to take better pictures of these parrots.
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Kostaryka wykaz -angielski


Costa Rica- introductory text - Resplendent Quetzal.
Birds-new galleries:
1.Resplendent Quetzal. 2.Boat-billed Heron.(V) 3.Montezuma Oropendola.(V) 4.Collared Aracari. 5.Grey-necked Wood-Rail. 6.Grey-headed Chachalaca. 7.Chestnut-mandibled Toucan.(V) 8.Fiery-throated Hummingbird. 9.Northern Jacana. 10.Chestnut-headed Oropendola. 11.Brown Pelican. 12.Crested guan. 13.Green Honeycreeper. 14.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird. 15.Green-breasted mango. 16.Red-legged Honeycreeper. 17.White-necked Jacobin. 18.Flame-colored Tanager. 19. ummer Tanager. 20.Squirrel Cuckoo.(V) 21.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.(V) 22.Golden-hooded tanager. 23.Magnificent Hummingbird. 24.Snowy Egret.(V) 25.Mangrove Black-hawk. 26.Clay-colored Thrush. 27.Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. 28.Acorn Woodpecker.(V) 29.Slaty Flowerpiercer. 30.Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher. 31.Groove-billed Ani. 32.Emerald Toucanet. 33.Turquoise-browed Motmot. 34.Collared Redstart. 35.Volcano or Cerise-throated Hummingbird. 36.Rufous-naped Wren. 37.Black-crested Coquette. 38. Black-necked Stilt. 39.Palm Tanager. 40.Blue-grey Tanager.(V) 41.Crowned Woodnymph. 42.Greet-tailed Grackle. (V) 43.Scarlet-thighed Dacnis. 44.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 45.Pale-vented Pigeon. 46.Red-throated Ant-Tanager. 47.Neotropic Cormorant. 48.Long-billed Hermit. 49.Silver-throated Tanager. 50.Passerini's Tanager. 51.Scarlet Macaw.(V) 52.Brown Jay. 53.Little Blue Heron. 54.Tricolored Heron. 55.Pale-billed Woodpecker. 56.Violet-headed Hummingbird. 57.Inca Dove. 58.Baltimore Oriole. 59.Small-billed Cacique. 60.Green Thorntail. 61.Olive-backed Euphonia. 62.White-vented Euphonia.  63.Black-and-white Owl. 64.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 65.Purple Gallinule. 66.Tropical Screech-Owl. 67.Crimson-collared Tanager. 68.Slaty-tailed Trogon. 69.Bare-throated Tiger Heron. 70.Green Violetear. 71.Blue Dacnis. 72.Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. 73.Black Phoebe. 74.Yellow-thighed Finch. 75.White Ibis. 76.Green Ibis. 77.Black-cowled Oriole. 78.Yellow-headed Caracara. 79.Common Tody-Flycatcher. 80.Chestnut-sided Warbler. 81.Ruddy Treerunner. 82.Amazon Kingfisher. 83.Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. 84.Snail Kite. 85.Tropical Kingbird. 86.White-naped Brush Finch. 87.Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager.
88.Masked Tityra. 89.Streaked Flycatcher. 90.Grey-capped Flycatcher. 91.Boat-billed Flycatcher.(V) 92.Solitary Sandpiper. 93. Spotted Sandpiper. 94.Green-crowned Brilliant. 95.Barred Antshrike.(V) 96.Great Blue Heron. 97.Yellow-bellied Siskin. 98.Red-crowned Woodpecker. 99.Hoffmann's Woodpecker. 100.Black-capped Flycatcher. 101.White-winged Dove. 102.White-tailed Kite. 103.Black-cheeked Warbler. 104.Buff-rumped Warbler. 105.Northern Waterthrush. 106.Tennessee Warbler. 107.Purple-throated Mountain-gem. 108.Mangrove Swallow. 109.Broad-billed Motmot. 110.White-throated Magpie-Jay. 111.White-breasted Wood-Wren. 112.Scarlet-fronted Parakeet. 113.Golden-browed Chlorophonia. 114.Black-headed Trogon. 115.Gartered Trogon. 116.Keel-billed Toucan. 117.Roseate Sponbill. 118.Violet Sabrewing. 119.Buff-throated Saltator. 120.Social Flycatcher. 121.Willet. 122.Kentucky Warbler. 123.American Mountain Thrush. 124.Streak-headed Woodcreeper. 125.Spot-crowned Woodcreeper. 126.Green Heron. 127.Red-billed Pigeon. 128.Pearl Kite. 129.Yellow-billed Cacique. 130.Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 131.Barred Becard. 132.Rufous-capped Warbler. 133.Tawny-crested Tanager. 134.Plain-brown Woodcreeper. 135.White-throated Mountain. 136.Panama Flycatcher. 137.Broad-winged Hawk. 138.Tree Swallow. 139.Rufous Motmot.(V) 140.Slate-throated Redstart. 141.Blue-black Grassquit. 142.Riverside Wren. 143.Long-tailed Woodcreeper. 144.Torrent Tyrannulet. 145.Wilson's Warbler. 146.Philadelphia Vireo. 147.Red-breasted Blackbird. 148.Fasciated Antshrike. 149.Variable Seedeater. 150.Red-headed Barbet. 151.Lesser Goldfinch. 152.Black-bellied Hummingbird. 153.Sooty Thrush. 154.Wood Thrush. 155.Grey-cheeked Thrush. 156.Mountain Elaenia. 157.Black Guan. 158.Blue-and-white Swallow. 159.Golden-crowned Warbler. 160.Plain Antvireo. 161.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 162.Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer. 163.Flame-throated Warbler. 164.Golden-winged Warbler. 165.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 166.Lesser Greenlet. 167.Spotted Woodcreeper. 168.Slaty Antwren. 169.Blue-crowned Motmot. 170.White-crowned Parrot. 171.Rufous Mourner. 172.Green Hermit. 173.Bright-rumped Attila. 174.Chestnut-capped babbler. 175.Sooty-faced Finch. 176.Steely-vented Hummingbird. 177.Tangara dowii. 178.Cherrie's Tanager. 179.Southern Rough-winged Swallow. 180.Northern Rough-winged Swallow. 181.Large-footed Finch. 182.Eastern Meadowlark. 183.Thick-billed Seed-Finch. 184.Black-headed Saltator. 185.Greyish Saltator. 186.White-eared Ground-Sparrow. 187.Magnificent Frigatebird. 188.White-ringed Flycatcher. 189.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 190. lack-bellied Hummingbird. 191.Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher.  192.Orchard oriole.
And changes in the galleries birds: 1.Great Kiskadee. 2.Southern Lapwing. 3.Great Egret. 4 House Wren. 5.Cattle Egret. 6.Roadside Hawk.(V) 7.Rufous-collared Sparrow(V). 8.Osprey.(V) 9.Black Vulture. 10.Turkey Vulture. 11.Bananaquit. 12.Yellow-bellied Elaenia. 13.Lineated Woodpecker.
Reptiles- -new galleries :1.Plumed Basilisk. 2. Brown Basilisk. 3.Black Iguana. 4.Green Iguana (changes). 5.American Crocodile.
Amphibians - -new galleries : Strawberry Poison Frog.
Mammals -new galleries : 1.Linnaeus's two-toed sloth. 2.White-headed Capuchin. 3. White-nosed coati. 4.Variegated squirrel. 5 Mantled Howler.(V) 6.Greater sac-winged bat.(V).
Go yo the gallery:  COSTA RICA- FAUNA             Costa Rica-SLIDESHOW

Ekwador wykaz angielski


Ecuador 09/2023-introductory text- Andean Cock-of-the-rock
News galery:

1.Andean Cock-of-the-rock(T,V). 2.Toucan Barbet. 3.Long-wattled Umbrellabird. 4.Masked Trogon. 5.Rufous-breasted Antthrush. 6.Torrent Duck. 7.Orange-cheeked Parrot. 8.Hoatzin(V).  9.Sunbittern(T). 10.Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan(V). 11.Glistening-green Tanager. 12.White-capped Dipper. 13.Red-bellied Macaw. 14.Cobalt-winged Parakeet(V). 15.Black Skimmer. 16.Golden-rumped Euphonia. 17. Crimson-rumped Toucanet. 18.Golden Tanager. 19.Golden-bellied Grosbeak. 20.Sparkling Violetear(T).21.Collared Inca(T). 22.Tyrian Metaltail(T). 23.Pink-throated Brilliant(T). 24.Sapphire-vented Puffleg(T). 25.Purple-throated Woodstar(T). 26.Mountain Velvetbreast(T). 27.Buff-winged Starfrontlet(T). 28.Andean Emerald(T). 29.Booted Racket-tail(T). 30.Brown Violetear(T). 31.White-whiskered Hermit(T). 32.Violet-tailed Sylph(T). 33.Purple-bibbed Whitetip 34.Fawn-breasted Brilliant(T). 35.Buff-tailed Coronet(T). 36.Brown Inca(T). 37.Velvet-purple Coronet(T). 38.Gorgeted Sunangel(T). 39.Tawny-bellied Hermit(T). 40.White-tailed Hillstar(T). 41.Speckled Hummingbird(T). 42.Empress Brilliant(T). 43.Ecuadorian Hillstar(TT). 44.Green-crowned Woodnymph(T). 45.Shining Sunbeam(T). 46.Black-tailed Trainbearer(T). 47.Rainbow-bearded Thornbill(T). 48.Violet-fronted Brilliant(T). 49.Sword-billed Hummingbird(T). 50.Bronzy Inca(T). 51.Blue-mantled Thornbill(T). 52.Gorgeted Woodstar(T). 53.Wire-crested Thorntail(T). 54.Chestnut-breasted Coronet(T). 55.Tourmaline Sunangel(T). 56.Giant Hummingbird(TT). 57.White-bellied Woodstar(T). 58.Golden-tailed Sapphire. 59.Black-crowned Tityra. 60.Yellow-breasted Antpitta(T). 61.Giant Antpitta. 62.Moustached Antpitta. 63.Ochre-breasted Antpitta. 64.Chestnut-crowned Antpitta. 65.Rufous antpitta. 66.White-lored Antpitta(V). 67.Plain-backed Antpitta. 68.Chestnut-fronted Macaw. 69.Yellow-rumped Cacique. 70. White-throated Screech-Owl. 71.Great Horned Owl. 72.Band-bellied Owl. 73.Vermiculated Screech-Owl. 74.Tawny-bellied screech owl. 75.Black-crested Warbler. 76.Little Woodpecker. 77.Ladder-tailed Nightjar. 78.Lettered Aracari. 79.Montane Woodcreeper. 80.Sungrebe. 81.Black-capped Donacobius. 82.Rufescent Tiger-Heron. 83.Black-mandibled Toucan. 84.Golden-collared Toucanet. 85.Red-crested Cotinga. 86.Andean Lapwing. 87.Carunculated Caracara. 88.Laughing Falcon. 89.Rufous-throated Tanager. 90.Black-billed Treehunter. 91.Ecuadorian Thrush. 92.Beryl-spangled Tanager. 93.Streak-capped Treehunter. 94.Equatorial Motmot (Andean Motmot). 95.Thick-billed Euphonia. 96.Flame-faced Tanager. 97.Golden-headed Quetzal(V). 98.Barred Fruiteater. 99.Eared Dove. 100.Great Thrush.101.Baudo Guan. 102.Rufous-naped Brush-Finch. 103.Masked Flowerpiercer. 104.White-sided Flowerpiercer. 105.Blue-capped Tanager. 106.Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager. 107.Blue-winged Mountain-tanager. 108.Flame-rumped Tanager. 109.Golden-naped Tanager. 110.Bronze-green Euphonia. 111.Black-capped Tanager. 112.Dusky bush tanager. 113. Orange-bellied Euphonia. 114.Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager. 115.Palm Tanager. 116.Blue-necked Tanager.117.Yellow-billed Cacique. 118.Russet-backed Oropendola(G). 119.White-throated Quail-Dove. 120.White-lined Tanager. 121.Yellow-olive Flycatcher. 122.Golden-crowned Flycatcher. 123.Three-striped Warbler. 124.Ornate Flycatcher. 125.Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner. 126.Tawny-breasted Flycatcher. 127.Wedge-billed Woodcreeper. 128.Orange-breasted Fruiteater. 129.Olive-crowned Yellowthroat. 130.Golden-collared Honeycreeper. 131.Moss-backed Tanager. 132.Black-striped Sparrow. 133.Yellow-billed Pintail. 134.Andean Teal. 135.Many-striped Canastero. 136.Chestnut-winged Cinclodes. 137.Azara's Spinetail. 138.Glossy-black Thrush. 139.Plumbeous Sierra-Finch. 140.Tricolored Brush-Finch. 141.Western Fire-eye . 142.Plumbeous Pigeon. 143.Black-banded Crake. 144.Turquoise Jay. 145.Blue-rumped Manakin. 146.Blue-headed Parrot (V). 147.Crested Oropendola. 148.Bar-bellied Woodpecker. 149.Gilded barbet. 150.Deep-blue flowerpiercer. 151.Yellow-tufted Woodpecker. 152.Black-faced Antbird. 153.Speckled Chachalaca. 154.Black-and-white Seedeater. 155.Greater Ani(V). 156.Cynoberek. 157.Ringed Kingfisher. 158.Red-capped Cardinal. 159.Lesser Kiskadee. 160.Grey-breasted Crake(V). 161.Scarlet-crowned Barbet. 162.Vermilion Flycatcher. 163.Cinereous Conebill. 164.Blue-and-yellow Tanager. 165.White-winged Brush-Finch. 166.Cocoi Heron. 167.White-banded Swallow. 168.Giant Cowbird. 169.Drab Water-Tyrant. 170.Buff-breasted Sandpiper. 171.Large-billed Tern. 172.Black Caracara. 173.White-eared Jacamar. 174.Pale-vented Pigeon. 175.Southern Mealy Parrot. 176.Dusky-headed Parakeet. 177.Cliff flycatcher(V). 178.Yellow-browed Sparrow. 179.Black-headed Parrot. 180.Baird's sandpiper.181.Swallow-wing.182.Western Emerald. 
1.Central American agouti. 2.White-tailed deer. 3.Proboscis bat. 4.White-tailed titi monkey(V).
Changes in the galery BIRDS:
1.Andean Condor(T). 2.Scarlet Macaw. 3.Black Vulture. 4.White-necked Jacobin (T). 5.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (T). 6.Broad-billed Motmot. 7.Inca Jay. 8.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 9.Spotted Sandpiper. 10.Slate-throated Redstart. 11.Chestnut capped Brush Finch. 12.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 13.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 14.Green Thorntail. 15.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 16.Northern Potoo. 17.Tropical Parula. 18.Squirrel Cuckoo. 19.Collared Aracari. 20.Saffron Finch. 21.Black-faced Ibis. 22.Bananaquit. 23.Black Phoebe. 24.Swallow-tailed Kite. 25.Green Hermit. 26.Smooth-billed Ani. 27.Common tody-flycatcher. 28.Roadside Hawk. 29.Striated Heron. 30.Wattled Jacana. 31.Limpkin. 32.Blue-and-white Swallow. 33.Snail Kite. 34.Green Ibis. 35.Lineated Woodpecker. 36.Purple Gallinule. 37.Southern lapwing. 38.Cattle Egret. 39.Tropical Mockingbird. 40.Great Egret. 41.Tropical Kingbird. 42.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. 43.Rufous-collared Sparrow.


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