Fortunately, this species does not occur exclusively on Fuerteventura, so it is more likely to enrich or to modernize presented gallery. When I dealt with the Barbary Partridge the situation was similar to that with the Courser, with the difference that I was able to take pictures of partridges, as far as coursers are concerned I took only one photo and of poor quality. Well, this gallery is not created. Barbary partridges appeared for a moment, and as in case of all birds living all around desert  of Fuerteventura they were very skittish. They could be seen there on top of the hill and after a while hid behind. A pity, because it's a pretty representative of Galliformes. Its weight does not exceed half a kilogram and the wingspan is less than half a meter. This species is artificially introduced on the Island. Its natural habitat is the northern Africa.
Last minute news-03/2023-Morocco


Maroko-język ANGIELSKI


Morocco- introduktory text- Desert Sparrow
News galleries:
1.Desert Sparrow(T). 2.Trumpeter Finch. 3.Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. 4.Lanner Falcon(T). 5.Thick-billed Lark. 6.African Desert Warbler(V). 7.Greater Hoopoe-Lark(V). 8.Temminck's Lark. 9.Moussier's Redstart. 10.Eastern Crimson-winged Finch. 11.Western Mourning Wheatear. 12.Red-rumped Wheatear. 13.Crowned Sandgrouse(V). 14.House Bunting. 15.Bar-tailed Lark. 16.Tristram's Warbler. 17.Fulvous Chatterer(V). 18.Egyptian Nightjar. 19.Levaillant's Woodpecker. 20.Maghreb Magpie. 21.Seebohm's Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1.Barbary sheep 2.Val’s gundi.
REPITILES: Duméril's fringe-fingered lizard
1.White-tailed Wheatear(T). 2. Desert Wheatear. 3.Black wheatear.. 4.Grey Wagtail. 5.Horned Lark. 6.Little Owl. 7.Common Kestrel. 8.Thekla Lark. 9.Crested Lark. 10.African Blue Tit. 11.Short-toed Lark. 12.Red-billed Chough. 13.Yellow-billed Chough. 14.Barbary partridge. 15.Great Tit. 16.Eurasian Collared Dove. 17.Serin. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 20.Garden Bulbul. 21.The common chaffinch. 22.White Wagtail. 23.Rock bunting. 24.House Sparrow. 25.Brown-necked Raven. 26.Spanish sparrow. 27.Ruddy shelduck. 28.Rock pigeon. 29.Little Swift.30.Desert Lark.31.Peregrine Falcon.

MOROCCO FAUNA        SAHARA (T)                      ATLAS MOUNTAINS               MOROCCO LANDSCAPE