This is one hell of a singer, found in urban areas. It often begins its heartbreaking song on a summer night, just before the dawn. So for those who have trouble sleeping and are not particularly fond of various sounds of nature this might be a problem. Nowadays the Cinderella more often occurs in urban areas than in forests. Sometimes mistaken for the redstart, it is a little smaller than the sparrow. It has a weight of less than 20 g, with a wingspan of about 25 cm.
Last minutes news – 05-2014
This time the photographs were taken in the back garden. Black Redstarts must be somewhere near the nest, because it is not difficult to spot them. There were some photos taken that changed the existing gallery.
Last minute news – 05/2017
While shooting the European serins, I saw the black redstart appearing in front of the camera every now and then. Some photos were taken and they are definitely better than those taken 4 years ago. The gallery has been rebuilt.
Last minute news- 11/2017
The situation with black redstarts in Spain was similar to that with blackcaps. In summer, a house black redstart twittered beautifully for me every morning. However, I somehow lacked time to capture it properly. After I came back from Spain, the gallery underwent reconstruction.
Last minute news- 09/2020 Heligoland – Germany
Last minute news- 03/2023-Morocco
Hiszpania- 11/2017 ANGIELSKI
Bonelli's eagle - introduction text – Spain 11/2017
Birds-new galleries:
1. Bonelli's Eagle. 2. Black Wheatear. 3. Thekla Lark.
Changes in birds galleries:
1. Blue Rock Thrush.2. Common kestrel. 3. Northern goshawk. 4. Sardinian Warbler. 5. Southern Grey Shrike. 6. Hoopoe.7. Rock Sparrow. 8. Eurasian blackcap. 9. European robin. 10. Coal tit. 11. European green woodpecker. 12. Black redstart.13. Rock bunting.14. Dunnock. 15. Crested Tit.16.Common Blackbird.17.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 18.Eurasian Collared Dove.
Go to the gallery : SPAIN FAUNA
Heligoland – Germany -09/2020- introductory text - Northern gannet
1.Northern gannet (T,V). 2.Bar-tailed godwit (T,V). 3.Sanderling. 4.Northern Wheatear. 5.Eurasian Oystercatcher. 6.Litle stint (T). 7.Dunlin. 8. Red Knot (T). 9.Ruddy Turnstone (V) 10.Carrion crow. 11. Purple Sandpiper (T). 12.Common Starling. 13.Common Ringed Plover. 14.Willow warbler. 15.Meadow Pipit. 16.White Wagtail. 17.European Herring Gull. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Lesser Black-backed Gull . 20. European golden plover. 21.Black-legged kittiwake. 22.Whinchat. 23.Common Eider. 24.Sandwich Tern. 25. Hooded Crow. 26.European Pied Flycatcher.
1. Grey seal (T) 2. Harbor seal (T).
IN THE GALERY of COUNTRIES: 1.Heligoland. 2.Germany FAUNA.
Maroko-język ANGIELSKI
Morocco- introduktory text- Desert Sparrow
News galleries:
1.Desert Sparrow(T). 2.Trumpeter Finch. 3.Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. 4.Lanner Falcon(T). 5.Thick-billed Lark. 6.African Desert Warbler(V). 7.Greater Hoopoe-Lark(V). 8.Temminck's Lark. 9.Moussier's Redstart. 10.Eastern Crimson-winged Finch. 11.Western Mourning Wheatear. 12.Red-rumped Wheatear. 13.Crowned Sandgrouse(V). 14.House Bunting. 15.Bar-tailed Lark. 16.Tristram's Warbler. 17.Fulvous Chatterer(V). 18.Egyptian Nightjar. 19.Levaillant's Woodpecker. 20.Maghreb Magpie. 21.Seebohm's Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1.Barbary sheep 2.Val’s gundi.
REPITILES: Duméril's fringe-fingered lizard
1.White-tailed Wheatear(T). 2. Desert Wheatear. 3.Black wheatear.. 4.Grey Wagtail. 5.Horned Lark. 6.Little Owl. 7.Common Kestrel. 8.Thekla Lark. 9.Crested Lark. 10.African Blue Tit. 11.Short-toed Lark. 12.Red-billed Chough. 13.Yellow-billed Chough. 14.Barbary partridge. 15.Great Tit. 16.Eurasian Collared Dove. 17.Serin. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 20.Garden Bulbul. 21.The common chaffinch. 22.White Wagtail. 23.Rock bunting. 24.House Sparrow. 25.Brown-necked Raven. 26.Spanish sparrow. 27.Ruddy shelduck. 28.Rock pigeon. 29.Little Swift.30.Desert Lark.31.Peregrine Falcon.