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Galeries 1631 - 1640 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 164 of 257
Peregrine Falcon

Here are documentary pictures that initiate the gallery of the Peregrine Falcon. I hope the gallery soon include other photos of this species of the better quality. The Peregrine Falcon appeared just once for a short while I was taking photos the European Ground Squirrel. The hope to take more pictures in the future is easy to fulfil, because the expanses inhabited by the Peregrine Falcon are wide, when one considers the map of the entire world. It is found in both Americas, in Africa, Asia, Australia and, of course, in Europe.

Perrin's Bushshrike
Persian squirrel

It was one chance encounter but pretty funny. The squirrel sitting motionless with its back turned looked like a long-eared owl. We took first photos and our hopes to photograph the owl got dispelled. So we have a few pictures from one place, several photos showing the squirrel’s mouth taken after we moved to the left, and this way  I can present on my website the first pictures of the squirrel.

Bardzo dobre
Bardzo dobre
Pharaoh Eagle-Owl



This bird will give me a heart attack one day. It has happened a few times that, while I was walking in the morning, when it was still dark, through a field or along the edge of the forest, towards a hide, suddenly, from under my feet a pheasant flies up with a loud scream. It waits until the last second, hoping that it will stay unnoticed. Not only will it make a lot of piercing noise, but also fly right in front of one’s eyes. And it does not belong to small birds. It weight reaches 1.5 kilograms, and its wingspan reaches 80 cm.

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Pheasant Coucal

There are many fascinating birds in Australia, but  watching the Pheasant Coucal for the first time gave me a lot of excitement and satisfaction. I saw it a few times and the photos published here are the result of these meetings. The name itself seems to be intriguing. Is it more cuckoo or pheasant? Formally it belongs to the family cuculidae  but the appearance, maybe a bit elongated in shape, actually in size resembles a pheasant. It looks more like a predator than representatives of galliforms.

Pheasant-tailed Jacana

After returning from Thailand another two species of Jacanidae family go to my photogallery. Although the birds always kept quite a long distance, but by adding them to my gallery I wanted to show how different coloration representatives of these birds can have. I managed to collect 5 species of jacanas on my website. Starting from the Australian comb-crested jacana (Irediparra gallinacea), to the northern jacana (Jacana spinosa) that can be found in Costa Rica, or the wattled jacana (Jacana jacana) from Argentina.

Bardzo dobre
Philadelphia Vireo
