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Galeries 1921 - 1930 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 193 of 257
Savi's Warbler

Locating Savi's Warbler  was not a problem. If it inhabits a given area, her voice resonates loudly and annoyingly in the surroundings, I'd say, and it's hard to mistake it for a different voice coming from the reeds. Passing along the shore of the lake, along the edge of the forest on the stretch over a kilometer, I localized only one place where the Savi's Warbler wasn found. Of course, it was in a place that was most difficult to access. First, you had to walk several meters of the densely wooded edge of the forest and its bushes.

Bardzo dobre
Saw-shelled turtle

They are tiny for tortoises, as the females are below 30 centimeters long. Males are much smaller. I photographed turtles in Townsville, in every place where there was some water. So, there shouldn't be problems with creating a new gallery, but the jaunt was for the tortoise, not for the reptile... They are very common and tamed to such an extent that when I was crossing a bridge in the park, the turtles, like ducks, would gather in flocks, expecting to be fed.

Saxaul Sparrow
Sayaca Tanager

I was able to take photos of this bird a few times. Its Polish name corresponding to the coloration not fully reflects its beautiful, bluish feathering. All in all I have taken some images, during the photo session with hummingbirds also, and among my other bird galleries the one of the bluish sayaca tanager brings an interesting variety. Sayaca tanagers weigh about 30 grams.

Scaly Weaver
Scaly-breasted munia

It occurs in the northern and north-eastern Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. It may congregate in large flocks. I managed to meet two munias in the area of Townswille. The munias feed on seeds of cereal crops, they prefer those of larger seeds. Because of their beauty those birds are also bred in cages and aviaries by breeders.
Last minute news-01/2016 -  Thailand
Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka

Last minute news-Bangkok-08/2019

Bardzo dobre
Scaly-headed parrot

At the end of “toucans” session I came across a medium-sized parrot called scaly-headed parrot. A pair of parrots preyed calmly watching closely my discreet efforts to reduce the distance. I think I have managed to build a compromise. The scaly-headed parrot weighs about 300 grams.

Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner
Scarlet Macaw

It was not easy to photograph parrots on Costa Rica. Often one could see flocks of them flying over and hear the accompanying squawking noise they made. They always sat high on tree tops.  I don’t know why, but only this group of birds kept far from people and birds feeding places. Luckily I managed to take several pictures of the scarlet macaw, which is the biggest representative of parrots in the world. The weight of a scarlet macaw reaches up to 2 kg, with a wingspan of up to one meter.

Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager
