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Galeries 1851 - 1860 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 186 of 257
Ruddy shelduck

It was worth flying to Fuerteventura to see ducks - ruddy shelducks, there on the rocky, brown desert. A shelducks pair allowed me to take a few photos, but any attempt to reduce the distance always ended with their departure. Always, as I tried three times to capture them in the best possible way. Ruddy shelduck’s weight does not exceed 1.6 kilogram and a wingspan is less than 1.5 meter. Pictures showing them in flight with  the desert landscape in the background, are probably the most interesting and most representative of the species in my gallery.

Ruddy Treerunner
Ruddy Turnstone

I admit that when I was getting up at 5 am in August in Swinoujście to go to the seaside with the camera I was quite skeptical about what I could photograph. The holiday season in a place like that means people on the beach practically around the clock. But without trying I will have no pictures for sure. When coming to the beach I could confess my fears proved correct, even so early you could count a dozen people.

Bardzo dobre
Ruddy Woodcreeper
Ruddy-Heded Goose

This gallery was created upon one encounter with the ruddy-headed goose in Patagonia. The scenery in which the pictures were taken was so beautiful and colorful, very much like the boreal forest heathlands. Males of the ruddy-headed goose can reach up to 2 kg, while the females are lighter and they weigh up to 1.5 kg. It occurs in the south of South America, in Argentina and Chile (Land of Fire).

Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher

We photographed in several placed on Costa Rica. In such a small country it is sometimes a matter of several dozen kilometers and one has to do with completely different species. The transportation was the biggest problem. The roads in Costa Rica do not belong to good ones, and in order to drive 80 kilometers we had to spend 3 hours in a car. We reached another photography spot. A new thing for us there was a morning photography session by a not very large white sheet, next to which a bulb was left for the night turned on. The light attracted insects all night.

Rueppell's Starling

Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Rueppell's Weaver
Rufescent Tiger-Heron

Well, I think every photographer dreams of the outdoor- scenery in the green wet meadows where rival males ruffs can be captured during the photo shoot. It is said that there are not two alike males of the species and their breeding plumage and courtship supposedly make a unique, colorful spectacle. Supposedly, because I had no opportunity to observe ruffs on my own yet, but the pictures and the descriptions that you can find on the network are really convincing. I know that in Poland there are very few representatives of this species.

