
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2001 - 2010 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 201 of 257
Smooth-billed ani

Another representative of the Cuculidae family finds its space in my gallery. Sadly it was photographed in a rather documentary manner. I had only one encounter with a smooth-billed ani, it was near the Iguazu waterfall and therefore only a few pictures were taken. Smooth-billed anis occur in Argentina, Brazil, Latin America, Ecuador, Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean. They weigh up to 120 gram with a wingspan of up to 45 cm.
Last minute news-03/2019 – Cuba
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

Snail Kite

Costa Rica
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Snake-eyed lizard
Snow Bunting

When you go to the seaside during the period of birds’ migration you always get a lot of excitement about what you will manage to photograph  this time, especially that this season gives you a lot of opportunities in this regard. The birds that live in the cold Arctic or Siberia, would be difficult to photograph without a costly and time-consuming expedition. And here, on a Polish beach, you can see them. On my way to the sea I was intending to take pictures of stints, and perhaps to photograph some new species of this bird.

Bardzo dobre
Snowy Egret

Costa Rica
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Snowy Owl

Although bird fascination should not discriminate or promote any particular species, for me, any encounter with owls is very special and stays in my memory for a long time. There are 13 owl species belonging to the Polish fauna. Till now, with various results, I managed to photograph 12 of them. For the past years I have been collecting information about different places where it is possible to photograph the Snowy Owl - my missing species in the list of Polish owl fauna. In Poland it has been observed only several dozen times.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Snowy sheathbill

It happened to me to encounter sheathbills twice. Their most distinctive feature is feeding among penguin colonies. They eat the remains of undigested food, but can also be a threat to newly hatched chicks or not protected penguin eggs. Penguins were watching sheathbills but did not care about them too much and chased them rarely. Snowy sheathbill occurs in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego. Their weight does not exceed 600 grams and a wingspan of 80 centimeters. They were not skittish, but when the distance was less than 8-10 meters they always took flight.

Bardzo dobre
Snowy-browed Flycatcher
Sociable Lapwing
Social Flycatcher

Costa Rica
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

