
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2091 - 2100 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 210 of 257
Spotted Dove

Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka
Last minute news-Bangkok-08/2019

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Flycatcher

I managed to photograph the Spotted Flycatcher during one of my „escapades” in search of the European Green Woodpecker. On suburban territories, used to human presence, it allowed me to photograph it from a few-meter distance. The Flycatcher weighs about a dozen plus grams, with a wingspan not exceeding 25 cm. It is smaller than a sparrow and incomparably rarer in terms of its availability to be photographed. This gallery is far from perfection.

Spotted hyena
Bardzo dobre
Spotted Morning-Thrush

Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Nutcracker

It took me long waiting for an opportunity to photograph a nutcracker. Here in Poland it is not so easy, especially when you do not have too much spare time, unless one goes to Tatra Mountains over Morskie Oko Lake. I have read on the Internet and other birdwatchers I am acquainted with informed me that there is the best place to watch nutcrackers. Also when on the way to Morskie Oko I was told that this bird could be observed there with no problem as in this area the population of nutcrackers  can be counted in hundreds of individuals.

Bardzo dobre
Spotted redshank

Another short, coincidental encounter. This time I had planned to photograph the Eurasian curlew, but I ended up taking pictures of the common shelduck and the spotted redshank. Redshanks rose from the ground not to come back to the previous feeding ground. The spotted redshank has a wingspan of about 60 cm, and a weight of 100-200 gram.
Last minute news - 08/2015

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Sandpiper

Costa Rica
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Thick-knee

Finally, to my gallery go other representatives of the thick-knee family. So far I managed to photograph only bush thick-knee in Australia. During our stay in South Africa I gained two more species: the water thick-knee and the spotted thick-knee, and this text is common to both. I had two opportunities to watch a water thick-knee. The first while on the cruise along a reservoir, the second during the observation of pied kingfishers. These images come from the first encounter. Water thick-knees were fairly easy to spot watching the shoreline.

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Woodcreeper

We photographed in several placed on Costa Rica. In such a small country it is sometimes a matter of several dozen kilometers and one has to do with completely different species. The transportation was the biggest problem. The roads in Costa Rica do not belong to good ones, and in order to drive 80 kilometers we had to spend 3 hours in a car. We reached another photography spot. A new thing for us there was a morning photography session by a not very large white sheet, next to which a bulb was left for the night turned on. The light attracted insects all night.

