
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2081 - 2090 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 209 of 257
Spiny-cheeked honeyeater

I’m glad that I managed to take a few satisfactory photos of this bird. Its amazing, aggressive look and interesting coloring make an interesting composition. They are practically omnivorous. They eat other tiny birds as well as fruit and insects. The weigh of this bird is about 50 gram. When I was photographing it in  Uluru, it was so absorbed in observing finches that I could approach it at a few meter distance and take photos which are presented in this gallery without framing. Of course everything was not so easy everywhere.

Spitsbergen landscape (July)
Bardzo dobre
Spoon-billed Sandpiper

Thailand - introductory text - Spoon-billed Sandpiper

Spot-billed Pelican
Spot-breasted Lapwing
Bardzo dobre
Spot-breasted Parrotbill
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
Spot-winged Thrush
Bardzo dobre
Spotless Starling

All these photos of the spotless starling were taken in Spain. Taking a break while exhausting being on the watch in the poultry lookouts (whole day) for the rest we were offered "easier" subjects. Kestrels and storks were supposed to be such species easier for shooting. On the high tower, probably some old granary, kestrels, storks and presented spotless starlings had their nests. There were several couples of starlings and they operated safely with a pair of kestrels side by side. Because that was supposed to be a day of rest, we got up a little later.

Bardzo dobre
Spotted Crake

Well, not once have I thought of the Spotted Crake and the Little Crake. I have had many attempts . Unfortunately , it is not as common as the Water Rail  and as for me, it is difficult to photograph. This time, an hour before dawn, on the wet meadow where I thought I'd see Ruffs, the Common Redshank, the Wood Sandpiper and who knows what else would have appeared in front of the lens. Unfortunately, the birds kept a large distance and to make matters worse the weather was bad . An hour after sunrise the light began to drizzle.

Bardzo dobre
