
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2061 - 2070 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 207 of 257
Southern Rufous-Sparrow
Southern White-faced Owl
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill

During our stay in South Africa three hornbills were photographed: the crowned hornbill, the southern yellow-billed hornbill and the trumpeter hornbill. This was my first contact with hornbills and I must admit quite successful. Although the birds were always a little too high and too far, but probably that is the case with hornbills which, in principle, prey in crowns of trees eating fruit.

Bardzo dobre
Southern-East Asian Wolf

It was my first encounter with a wolf. The wolf showed itself for several seconds to the left of the lookout. Our vigilance was dulled towards such a newcomer, because now and then there were herd of stray dogs similar in size. Dogs were coming to the carcass without hesitation and began the meal. The wolf was surprised by the movement of the lens, it stopped, heard the shutter button press, and then walked away. It stopped before hiding behind the hill, looked around posing well for the last shot, and disappeared.

Spain - fauna
Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Spain - others
Spangled drongo

Another small gallery created during my outdoor photography session in Australia. It’s a pity that the gallery is so modest, as the bird is really charming. An interesting looking forked tail, red eye and its supposed gift to imitate heard sounds. One photo of an adult and one shot of a young specimen… not much of a gallery.

Spanish Eagle

The Iberian Eagle has been within my photographic objectives for a long time. As this beautiful majestic bird definitely deserves an absolute admire. It was this bird that was the main reason for my trip to Spain organized in June 2019. With a limited spare time I always need to look for a hide and the right people who organize such photo workshops. Iberian eagles live exclusively in Spain, and their small population occurs in adjacent areas of Portugal. Currently, the population has a total of about 500 pairs, so for sure it is not a common bird.

Bardzo dobre
Spanish sparrow

At first glance, this is the same species of sparrow that occurs here in Poland. However, when we take a look up close at pictures taken it can be seen that this is a sparrow species occurring in the Mediterranean region, in  the east and to the west of China. Its  underbelly is slightly darker in color and its head is brown, like of our eurasian tree sparrow. Unfortunately, It happened to me to encounter it only twice, in one place, but so successful were these contacts that resulted in the presented gallery.
Last minute news-Malta- 04/2015

Sparkling Violet-ear

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador

Bardzo dobre
