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South Africa- Fauna
South Africa RSA
Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
South Africa-landscape
South Africa RSA
Bardzo dobre
South African Shelduck
South American coati

South American coatis were common near Igazu. Apparently they were too common and even dangerous for tourists. They approached visitors unceremoniously and those who recklessly held food in thin foil bags were violently attacked and deprived of their meals. In over-30-degree heat it was even difficult to drink without being bothered by them. One of participants of our trip (greetings to Paweł) sat down in a nearby restaurant and opened a can with some drink – the can placed on the table was confiscated by coatis at once. They did it swiftly, decisively and aggressively.

South American sea lion

I photographed South American sea lions during a short cruise around the islands located near Ushuaia. We were probably a little late to be witnesses of the birth of a young sea lion.  Anyway the after-birth “leftovers” were a subject of interest of leucophaeuses and a kelp gulls, which cautiously approached the sea lion and its newborn. A male sea lion is much bigger than the female and it stood out among dozens of sea lions bathing on the rocks in the sunshine. Males can weigh up to 350 kg, and they can have a body length of 2.7 m.

Bardzo dobre
South American Snipe

A short one encounter, and to be honest I was lucky to be able to take some photos. I tried twice and failed with a fairly fast moving snipe. The pictures I can show you here were taken when it squat down before the departure. The south American snipe weight is about 110 grams.

South American tern

Many dynamic photos of the South American tern were taken in the port in Ushuaia. Terns had founded their noisy colony on a ship stranded on shallows. There were dozens of them, and the whole difficulty consisted in capturing them in flight in a sharp, dynamic picture. Frankly speaking it is difficult to spot the differences between an Arctic, Antarctic and South American tern.

South polar skua

I set a photo gallery of Great skua not so long ago, it was after my visit to Iceland. It was not so easy to photograph this bird there. And what a surprise, in Antarctica there were many of South polar skua, especially among hundreds of penguins. Every time when great skuas flew around, penguin colonies were alerted right away. Single skuas sat among penguins and they looked like taking a short nap. Nothing could be further from the truth. They waited for watchful penguin parents to be lulled actually watching them closely.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Southern Anteater-Chat

South Africa-02/2017
Last minute news-12/2017-Tanzania
Last minute-11/12-2022-Botswana

Southern Black-Flycatcher
