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Black-headed Lapwing
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Black-headed parrot
Black-headed Saltator

Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Black-headed Trogon

Although the resplendent quetzal also belongs to the family Trogonidae but has already been presented in the introductory text to the expedition to Costa Rica, so here we have a few words about other trogons. Well, as in the case of motmots it was not easy to encounter trogons. But when they were already found the same scenario took place. A trogon that quietly sat in a tree watched the surroundings, turning its head from left to right and back again. After a few minutes it flew away, but usually not too far, to the nearby branch, and the session could be continued.

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Black-hooded Oriole

Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka

Black-hooded parakeet

The first contact with this parrot has resulted in taking only two pictures, of documentary value. In the case of parrots, that I am always sentimental about, because of my past adventure with breeding them, I thought – it is a pity. But when I returned almost to the same place in Buenos Aires, I could find a whole flock of parrots, whose favorite tree in the area turned out to stand on my way to the park. Due to the fact that there were many people and the parrots were accustomed to them, the session could last hours till the evening.

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Black-legged kittiwake

I managed to take pictures of the Black-legged Kittiwake a few times and in a fairly large colonies. It occurs commonly in Iceland. Its wingspan is of about one meter and it weighs about a half kilogram. While watching the colony it was not difficult to record a voice of a kittiwake,  actually the sounds of a colony. When you look at the kittiwakes’ nests  situated on rocky cliffs, it is hard to believe that the chicks are to survive in that  difficult, windy conditions to the age when they are self-sufficient.

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Black-lored Babbler
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Black-mandibled Toucan
Black-necked grebe

The black-necked grebe - the last representative of the grebe family belonging to the Polish fauna goes to my gallery, what is more with its sound recorded on my own. This time taking pictures was easier than recording the voice of the bird.

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