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Galeries 2341 - 2350 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 235 of 257
Wattled Jacana

The second jacana goes to my bird collection. Previously I had the opportunity to photograph jacanas in Australia. In Argentina I came accross the wattled jacana in two places: in Buenos Aires and around Ushuaia. Its very long fingers help to distribute the weight evenly, but are seen as strange and make the impression that the wattled jacana moves with difficulty and slowly. Jacana is a bird of a delicate physique. Its weight does not exceed 150 grams and a wingspan of 65 centimeters.
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Wattled Lapwing

So far I managed to photograph four species of lapwings during my travels - in Poland, in Australia, in Thailand and in Argentina. Whereas, only one trip to South Africa was enough for watching  and taking pictures of the blacksmith lapwing, the black-winged lapwing and the wattled lapwing, three new species of lapwings. It is a pity that not all pictures are good. Only the blacksmith lapwing was not skittish and I was able to take enough photos for a full, interesting gallery.

Wattled Starling
Weddell seal

Two short contacts with the Weddell seal on Antarctica resulted in taking  the presented images. It lives in the waters around Antarctica. The length of its body reaches up to 3.5 meters and it weighs up to 450 kilograms.

Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
Wedge-tailed Eagle

Shooting such a large bird of prey is always exciting. It is really a beautiful bird, although I was not sure if I was dealing with one or two species. Such large variability prompted me to verify the name of species. The Wedge-tailed Eagle is the largest Australian bird of prey. Its weight may exceed 5 kilograms and a wingspan 2.5 meters, supposedly even some specimens were measured which wingspan was 2.8 meters. Physically very similar to our white-tailed eagle. The biggest difference, in my view, is the way the pictures were taken.


When I was arriving in one of the towns of New Zealand, where I was planning to stay overnight, I caught sight of a bird feeding at the edge of the road. It resembles the corn cake, a bird that is commonly found in Poland. It only differs from the corn crake in its brown plumage. I stopped the car immediately, took the camera and, approaching slowly, I took several photos. There was not enough light, but weka remained calm and the photos I managed to take were really satisfactory. I had so much joy at the end of the day. It is a brand new species in my gallery.

Bardzo dobre
Welcome swallow

The pictures of the Welcome Swallow presented here were taken in Australia and New Zealand. These shots "urbanized" originated in Australia and those on stony ground in New Zealand. Now a little about them. At dawn I went out of the town for another walk with the camera. I reached the little river that, judging from the bed, can be many times greater. On its rocky shores a flock of swallows during the morning toilet could be seen. And again, stalking and checking  the possibly shortest distance for swallows to accept.

New Zealand
Bardzo dobre
West Indian Whistling-Duck

Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

