
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2371 - 2380 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 238 of 257
White Ibis

Costa Roca
Last minute news-03/2019- Kuba

White rhinoceros
Bardzo dobre
White stork

It is the most distinctive bird in Poland. It is estimated that every fourth representative of this species is „ a Pole”, and in Poland there are a few thousands of them (about 50,000). The stork has perhaps positive associations for everyone, but one should remember that it is a capable predator. It eats everything that moves and stands in its way. From bigger insects to small birds, grass snakes, slowworms, frogs, etc. An interesting thing is that before their departure in August you can observe huge flocks of storks called “storks’ seym”.

Bardzo dobre
White Wagtail

White Wagtails can be spotted almost everywhere. I have managed to photograph it at the Baltic coast, among fields, at the edge of the forest, at the shore of Warta or outside human habitats. It is a small and quite timid bird. Its wingspan is around 30 centimeters with a body mass of 20-30 grams. Nonetheless, it is very characteristic due to its tail's “nervous”moves and black and white coloration.
Last minute news 08/2013

Bardzo dobre
White-backed Duck
White-backed Vulture

Although can be found in many African countries the white-backed vulture is not a species occurring in large numbers and is one of the endangered species. On my site it is the fourth species of vulture, unfortunately with the poorest photos among other vultures’ galleries. But, as I wrote in the introductory text after arriving from South Africa, I have not seen yet the genuine wild Africa, it would be therefore necessary to arrange another trip to see wildlife in Africa and improve the quality of images in the gallery.

Bardzo dobre
White-backed woodpecker

I have spent more than two days in  Bieszczady Mountains  searching for an Ural owl and it failed to bring the desired result. Despite a rather thick layer of snow and harsh weather conditions that favor the observation of these birds we could not even see at least one the Ural owl. The only trophy out of this trip are the first pictures of a white-backed woodpecker.

White-banded Swallow
White-bellied Bustard

Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Bardzo dobre
White-bellied Canary
