
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2361 - 2370 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 237 of 257
Western Red-billed Hornbill
Western Reef Heron

Egypt 01/2022
Last minute news-02/2023-Gambia

Bardzo dobre
Western rock nuthatch

When driving from the lookout to the place where egyptian vultures occurred we stopped next to the place where along the road in the rocks fault could be seen. Kerem heard there the sounds he recognized as a rock nuthatch’s voice. A little patience and we managed to take its first photos. Unfortunately, the distance was so great that the images are heavily cropped and they are not as good as those of krüper's nuthatches. However, I put them into the gallery of the new genre – western rock nuthatch. It is slightly bigger than our nuthatch and colored less intensely.

Western Yellow Wagtail

It is slightly smaller than a White Wagtail as its weight is dozen or so grams with a wingspan of a less than 30 centimeters. Unfortunately, it is much harder to spot it and even harder to approach it at a satisfying distance. I guess, I took the prettiest picture of a Yellow Wagtail while photographing Black Stork, therefore being hidden, approximately 10 meters from it. It can be often spotted searching for food on the fields, meadows and pastures.
Last minute news 08/2013

Bardzo dobre

I decided to set up a gallery of whales on my website. Yes, just a general gallery, not differentiating between individual species. It is impossible to photograph this mammal as a whole. You can either present its tail, fin or a part of its torso. So many pictures of the whale from Iceland and Republic of South Africa have been collected that they will serve as material for such a gallery well.
Last minute news 01/2015 – Antarctica


I hoped I could finally take pictures of the curlew in Iceland, as its gallery consists of several randomly captured images of documentary value. What a pity, there was no possibility. There in Iceland it is even less common bird than in Poland. But to console I was able to photograph its "smaller" version – the whimbrel. But it's probably not the bad way to say “I managed” as whimbrels were quite common, and their population in Iceland is estimated at 250 thousand of individuals (2014). The whimbrel weighs to 600 grams with a wingspan of 90 centimeters.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre

It is a shame that a Whinchat is getting harder to spot in our country, as it likes wet terrains of meadows and pastures with curvatures which are disappearing from our land. Unfortunately, I have to confirm it, I have managed to find it at the shore of the lake. It is a migrating bird, so in the Autumn/Winter time it can not be spotted in our country. It winters in Africa. Whinchat is a bit smaller than a Sparrow. Its weight comes up to 20 grams with a wingspan exceeding 20 centimeters.
Last minute news – 05/2014

Bardzo dobre
Whiptail wallaby

The thiptail wallaby inhabits a limited area of Australia. It only lives in the north-eastern part of the continent. It is bigger than the agile wallaby, as it can weigh up to 25 kilograms. It can be about one metre high. It shares its habitat with the common wallaroo rather than with the agile wallaby – the latter prefers to live in the areas full of green bushes. It eats at dawn. When it is boiling hot, it remains hidden in the shadow. It easy to differentiate it from the kangaroo, because the thiptail wallaby has white stripes on its face.

Whiskered Tern

Sri Lanka
Last minute news-05/2022-Hungary

Whistling kite

It is a beautiful raptor, it is a pity but I could not take as many photos as those of the Black Kite. I can say these pictures were taken incidentally with photographing the Black Kite. In terms of size these birds are alike. The Whistling Kite weighs about one kilogram with the wingspan of no more than one and a half meter. They occur throughout almost  all Australia and sometimes migrate but within the continent. As it is a raptor it feeds on other animals including carrion.

