
Alphabetical list

Galeries 2291 - 2300 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 230 of 257
Variegated squirrel
Variegated toadhead agama

It is impossible not to see them walking through the Gobi Desert. If you were walking slowly, looking under your feet, you could see these little lizards every moment. They were quite fast, and as I slowly approached them, after a few attempts to escape they decided to pose in front of my lens. Several photos were taken, so it’s worth creating a gallery of this species on my website, for a change to this bird escapade to Mongolia.

Bardzo dobre
Vatican City
Vatican City
Bardzo dobre
Vatican Museums (museum)
Vatican City
Bardzo dobre
Velvet scoter

To take pictures of the velvet scoter  I had to go for a winter cruise on the Baltic Sea.  8 –hours  spent on a ship may be sufficient for bird watchers, but it was not proved to be sufficient for taking good pictures. Frankly speaking the weather was fine, the morning waving of the sea decreased from hour to hour. Unfortunately, almost for the whole day, with short breaks , fog accompanied us. This is how another bird gallery was created. One of a new species belonging to the Polish fauna but with a very modest content.

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

It is probably the most beautiful nuthatch species which I have ever managed to take a photo of. Like every nuthatch it was constantly moving and it was difficult to photograph. With its behavior and size it resembles our nuthatch (Sitta europaea) but its plumage makes it more charming I think – or maybe it’s only my impression of the encounter with this new and exotic for me species? Velvet-fronted nuthatches occur in India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Velvet-purple Coronet

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador

Bardzo dobre
Bardzo dobre
Vermiculated Screech-Owl
Vermilion Flycatcher
