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Galeries 501 - 510 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 51 of 258
Caribbean hermit crab
Insect / Crustacean

This is the first crustacean representative on my site. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the Polish name for this crab is correct, or if it's simply a translation from English. In one place in Mexico, on the island of Contoy they were common. People passing by would cause the crabs to disappear into nearby bushes for a brief moment. However, a short while later, after the people had moved away, they would return by the dozens to their feeding sites.

Carrion crow

And again there was no time for capturing this bird in Poland, where it is really rare. In the Netherlands, on the contrary, it occurs commonly there, like a rook or a jackdaw in Poland. I posted a photo of a flock of carrion crows preying on a road, not really afraid of a biker that was coming up. All images were taken by the way, during the journey between a hotel and the place of shooting baillon’s crake and pied avocets. For example, the picture with a cyclist from the place where bluethroats occur.

Cars from Cubans
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Carunculated Caracara
Caspian Gull

When it comes to its size, the Caspian Gull is similar to the Yellow-legged Gull. Its weight is about 1,5 kilograms and its wingspan is about 1,5 metre. The creation of this gallery was possible only to that fact that I documented its flight just in front of my camera. The distance was sufficient. It inhabits the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and Kazakhstan.
Last minute news – 10/2014

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Caspian Plover
Caspian Tern

Pictures of the Caspian tern taken in South Africa may not be spectacular because the birds were always far from us and I could not do  without a 1.4 converter and framing, but it is yet another species from the list of Polish birds, so the gallery must start up. In our country it is not a frequent visitor and appears only during migration. The range of its occurrence is quite impressive, because apart from Antarctica and South America it can be seen on every continent.
Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka
Last minute news-01/2022-Egypt

Cattle Egret

Even smaller than a Little Egret, as its weight does not increase 400 grams with a comparable wingspan up to 1 meter. It does not occur in Poland, but it does quite commonly all over the world and is considered an invading species as well. Those few pictures presented were taken while trying to photograph a colony of bee-eaters, and haymaking not far from our booth made two Cattle Egrets feed. It fouled up the opportunity to take satisfying pictures of bee-eaters but in return I get to present you those pictures.

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