
Alphabetical list

Galeries 601 - 610 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 61 of 258
Common Gull

Presented pictures of a Common Gull were taken in Norway. It is quite numerous there, common enough that you can photograph it without hiding. It inhabits places on a rock shelves, where it builds nests. However, if we get to close to the nest it flews over one's head, scaring a person away with a shriek and trying to dab the agressor. Common Gull's wingspan exceeds 1 meter with a weight of around 0.5 kilogram.
Last minute news - 01/2013

Common hazel
Common hippopotamus

Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Common Iora
Common juniper
Common Kestrel

As I wrote in the lesser kestrel gallery, the behavior and occurrence of different species of kestrels are very similar. It means that they are often found in the vicinity of human habitations, in urban areas. The best pictures of the common kestrel I have managed to take so far were taken on a parking lot, next to the offices of a company located near a busy road. The common kestrel was literally hanging in the air, allowing me to take a few pictures which initiated this gallery.

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Common Kingfisher

Kingfisher is one of the Polish birds, which could be classified by its coloration to the birds of paradise. It is really beautiful. But its real charm can be only appreciated by taking photos in disguise. It rarely accepts human presence. Kingfishers are frequently seen by fishermen. It reminds me of two stories I have heard from the fishermen who saw a kingfisher. The first one is that a kingfisher was diving on and off into the water. The second is that a kingfisher sat on the fishing rod while it was looking for prey.

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Common Linnet

The photos of the common linnet, which are presented here, were taken in allotment gardens. Especially males in their breeding plumage look showy, with their chests blood-red. Outside the breeding season they are colored various shades of brown. They are a little smaller than sparrows. The bird’s body mass is almost 20 g, with a wingspan of little more than 20 cm.
Last minute news 06/2017
I took several pictures of the common Linnet, which were a excuse for the reconstruction of the gallery, which is still waiting for better photos...

Common Merganser

Common Merganser or a Goosander is a species of a water bird, from a family of ducks. Unfortunatley, in Poland small and hard to photograph. Estimated population is smaller than 1000 couples, even less than of a Black Stork or an Eurasian Curlew. Wingspan of a Merganser does not exceed 1 meter and weight is less than 2 kilograms. Let's hope it will change, regarding their fertility. Upon Warta I have photgraphed a female with 8 ducklings, swimming in the middle of the river. So, maybe it will become more popular species in our country.

Common Moorhen

A beautiful water bird of the Rallidae family. I’ve had a chance to watch it a few times in its natural habitat, while photographing the water rail and attempting to photograph the little crake. Unfortunately the pictures of this species in my gallery don’t reflect all this bird deserves. As the population of moorhens in Poland is quite some and you can see this bird every now and then, I think that this gallery will soon be changed. The weight of the common moorhen can be up to 0.5 kg, with a wingspan of about 50 cm.

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