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Galeries 1421 - 1430 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 143 of 257
Masked Flowerpiercer
Masked Lapwing

The Masked Lapwing commonly occurred in Australia and New Zealand. Even in urban parks it could be observed. And it was not difficult to notice it because it's a huge lapwing, among other lapwings. It weighs about 350 grams and is about 35 cm long. I seldom saw her alone. Maybe it was not in so closely related to flock as it was in case of zebra finches, but if there was seen one masked lapwing feeding, in the area of several dozen, several hundred meters you could probably find another ones. Lapwings flying in a flock were quite noisy.

Masked Shrike
Masked Tityra

Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Masked Trogon
Bardzo dobre
Masked Woodswallow

Its silhouette is much more slender than of the White-breasted Woodswallow. Their body weight nearly the same, about 30-40 grams. It occurs throughout almost the whole Australia. Leads a fairly sedentary lifestyle. It basically feeds on insects caught in passing. Do not resign from nectar as well.

Meadow harrier

I photographed the meadow harrier somewhat accidentally from a hide, but unfortunately not from a desired distance. An interesting thing about these harriers is their marked sexual dimorphism. The male is grey, but only on the outer surface of the wing. The inner surface is white. Several times in the area where I photographed the plover or corn crake, I saw the male meadow harrier, but sadly neither long enough nor close enough to take a picture.

Meadow Pipit

Returning to the same place does not mean capturing the same species of birds. Pictures of common snipes , wagtails, wood sandpipers or reed buntings that were published in my gallery were taken while I was waiting in fact for a little crake and a spotted crake . So far my attempts to photograph those species failed. Once a little crake almost passed under my lens when I was shooting water rails and that was all. As I do not have this bird in my gallery I attempted to take a picture of it again.

Bardzo dobre
Mediterranean Gull

It was not another Bird trip. On that day I had no plans to take photos. A miracle happened, though. I didn’t have my 600 focal length lens on that day. I only took 100-400. I took some pictures. However, there was little light and the focal length was insufficient. Fortunately, all these inconveniences were compensated by  my guide (the kindest regards to Kerem). But for him, my Turkish bird trophies would have been far more modest.

