
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1411 - 1420 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 142 of 257
Marmora's Warbler
Maroon Oriole
Bardzo dobre
Marrakesh - MEDINA
Bardzo dobre
Marsh harrier

The harrier belongs to those birds, which I haven’t managed to photograph and observe to the extent that would satisfy my appetite in this regard. The pictures taken are more the result of an accident than a conscious and planned approach. The marsh harrier is our native medium-sized bird of prey, as its weight does not exceed 0.7 kg, and its wingspan is about 1.2 meters. Let’s hope that this gallery will radically change with time.
Last minute news 08/2013

Bardzo dobre
Marsh Sandpiper
Marsh Tit

Distinguishing Marsh Tit from a Willow Tit, at least for me, is quite a challenge. I have read the literature and carefully studied the pictures. I assume that I did it well, though I am not sure. There is practically no difference in size nor looks. Weight of both species is arounbd dozen or so grams with a wingspan not exceeding 20 centimeters. I have not found nor observed differences worth mentioning, that is why I have decided that the comments on both of them will be the same.
Last minute news – 01/2016

Bardzo dobre
Marsh warbler

Difficult to identify bird. Often are wrong with the Eurasian red Warbler. I managed to record his sound. The Eurasian red Warbler reaches a body of weight about 12 grams, with a wingspan of about 19 centimeters. The bird was very shy and difficult to shoot pictures. To take a picture, I had to use shelter.
Last minute news – 07/2015
There were several pictures , wan I was waiting for the appearance of common rosefinch.
Last minute news - 09/2019

Bardzo dobre
Martial Eagle

Although the pictures of the martial eagle I have taken are not very interesting I decided to set up a gallery of this species on my site. The martial eagle is the largest representative of falconiformes in Africa. It preys mainly on small mammals, including young antelopes. It can weigh over 6 kilograms and is larger than a golden eagle. Occurs only in  Sub-Saharan Africa. It will be difficult to exchange the pictures for better ones, but who knows may be someday, somewhere it will be possible, time will show.

Masai giraffe
Bardzo dobre
